Wolf in Cheat’s Clothing- Pennsylvania Gov. Vetoes GOP-Backed Voter Bill – IOTW Report

Wolf in Cheat’s Clothing- Pennsylvania Gov. Vetoes GOP-Backed Voter Bill

Newsmax: Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf on Wednesday vetoed a GOP-backed voter ID bill, telling reporters, ”We believe democracy is important” and ”we want people to be able to vote.”

The Voting Rights Protection Act (HB 1300) was approved last week by the Republican-led General Assembly. It included a signature verification requirement and a reduction in the number of drop boxes in some counties.

”This bill is ultimately not about improving access to voting or election security but about restricting the freedom to vote,” Wolf, a Democrat, said in a memo detailing his rejection.

”If adopted, it would threaten to disrupt election administration, undermine faith in government and invite costly, time-consuming and destabilizing litigation.”

Senate Republican leaders issued a joint statement that said Wolf ”opted to defend the national Democrats’ party line and kowtow to special interests by crying foul to voter suppression in the media rather than rolling up his shirt sleeves and coming to the table for the people of Pennsylvania.

”The people of our Commonwealth have made it clear that they want an election system they can believe in,” they began, citing statewide polling showing 74% of citizens voicing their support for voter ID. more

12 Comments on Wolf in Cheat’s Clothing- Pennsylvania Gov. Vetoes GOP-Backed Voter Bill

  1. The only way that the demOCrats will pull back their cheat is if a black person (like Eric Adams-NYC demOCrat mayoral candidate) catches them cheating…..

    The USA will have USSR style elections from now on.

    “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”
    —Joseph Stalin

  2. I’ll be so damned GLAD when that worthless, smirking, POS is in an unemployment line. 😡

    I MIGHT just be tempted to take him a hot bowl of soup.

    And DUMP it on him.


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