NYC election officials met in secret to discuss massive screw-up in vote count – IOTW Report

NYC election officials met in secret to discuss massive screw-up in vote count

NYP: Red-faced city election officials held an apparently illegal, secret meeting Wednesday to discuss the botched vote count that threw the Democratic mayoral primary into chaos, The Post has learned.

Board of Elections President Fred Umane said the board was briefed by staffers about the colossal screw-up that led to 135,000 fake ballots from a test run of the BOE’s computer system mistakenly being included in preliminary results released Tuesday afternoon.

Umane, a Manhattan Republican, said that the test ballots came from one borough but that “the error was made in the general office.”

“We’re still trying to do the investigation. The problem has been rectified,” he said.

Umane also said one or more unidentified BOE employees made the massive mistake, noting, “This was not a vendor error.” more here

8 Comments on NYC election officials met in secret to discuss massive screw-up in vote count

  1. “We’re not looking to assess blame. We’re just wondering who screwed the plan to give the chosen candidate the victory with no one finding out about it until it was too late. After all, that worked for Biden, why can’t it work for the hand picked successor in New York?”

  2. “…the test ballots came from one borough….”

    135,000 test ballots run in one burough? Who was running a test like that? And it appears that most of them were for the third place candidate which then almost gave that candidate enough votes to beat the first place candidate? Wouldn’t they have run a well balanced mix to be sure that every thing was picked up? I don’t believe it for one second.


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