Happy ‘You Know, The Thing’! – IOTW Report

Happy ‘You Know, The Thing’!

Watch: Biden Gives Completely Unintelligible Speech to Newly Sworn US Citizens.

President Joe Biden has added to our lexicon in some colorful ways.

He taught us the phrase “dog-faced pony soldier.” He creatively summarized the Declaration of Independence. He even resurrected an archaic term with the use of “malarkey.”

And now he’ll teach us another word as we try to make sense of what happened during the White House naturalization ceremony on Friday: paraphasia. – Western Journal.

15 Comments on Happy ‘You Know, The Thing’!

  1. Talking to the troops, Biden said:

    “All men and women are created equal! (begins to yell)
    Endowed by their creator! (gets angry look)
    With certain inalienable rights, (begins to look confused)
    Including life, liberty,
    ETCETERA… (completely out to lunch)”

    How embarrassing.

  2. And think of the crap the real president got for “covfefe” or that Quale got for “potatoe”. One time slips vs this bumbling, brain damaged idiot blathering on and on.

  3. I’m not sure I understand this ‘newly sworn citizens’ event. I didn’t know you needed to go through a legal process to become a citizen. I thought you had to enter illegally, vote democrat and life goes on with all the benefits.

  4. “…many worried about the 78-year-old’s cognitive abilities…”
    they’ll ease him out.
    and when whoever winds up being in that office runs against Trump in 2024, they’ll use the example of his (biden) decline, due to age, which, of course, was exacerbated by the stress of the office. They’ll say ‘we can’t take another chance.’ ‘ Trump is too old. Trump is older than Biden was, and look what happened to such an established statesman’ Or similar rot. msm will feed the frenzy. People will take the then current handouts and comply.
    beware of maya- it can be manipulated
    (sorry for subtitles- it is the only live version available)
    they really are evil, and they have a gullible audience

  5. It was … y’know .. that thing … and all …… to be … like … uhhh … the presidunkt ……. and so ….. in conclimax just to be plain, here ……

  6. “…the 21 of you…who have earned the title of…that our democracy…is equal to be president, is of the same consequence, citizen, citizen…”

    I know what he was trying to say, but damn! What a brain salad surgery.


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