Allen West Will Challenge Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in 2022 – IOTW Report

Allen West Will Challenge Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in 2022

(Headline USA) Republican Allen West, the former Florida congressman and firebrand who rode into office on the tea party wave a decade ago, said Sunday that he will run for governor of Texas.

His odds are far longer this time around: Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who is up for a third term and may also be eyeing a 2024 presidential bid, has already locked up the endorsement of Donald Trump — whose voters West would need to have any shot at winning a GOP primary in Texas.

The hurdles don’t stop there. Abbott is the most prodigious fundraiser of any governor in America, having started the year with nearly $40 million already socked away, and West is shunned by powerbrokers in his own party.

Last month, West stepped down as chairman of the Texas GOP after spending a year using the platform to prob Abbott and other Republicans to enact more conservative policies.

Still, West’s celebrity in the grassroots that lingers from a combative one term in the U.S. House makes him the most prominent primary challenge Abbott has faced since becoming governor in 2015. more here

10 Comments on Allen West Will Challenge Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in 2022

  1. One simply cannot avoid thinking of finding a Bushite in the West while the wafting of The Swamp lingers in the air.

    if not the above, then one needs to lobby for Adam to see an Alzheimer’s doc.

  2. Too many repubs running for governor in Texas already. Even a movie star and a bushie in the pack. I’d like to see a clear winner in the primary… not the guy that got a sweeping 30% of the vote. ….. politics suck… feel to add the state of your choice.

  3. He’s not my favorite, but he’d be better than Abbott. I had such high hopes for Abbott, but he has disappointed us too many times. Chad Prather is also running, so I’m looking at him too.

  4. Allen Pigford initially showed great promise before he came to Washington and saddled up alongside John McStain. Just like Jeff the Flake, he as more than happy to distance himself from the TEA Party hobbits. I encourage those of you disappointed with Abbott to look elsewhere, since this guy has already proven himself before that he is damaged goods.

  5. I like Allen West. But this is the wrong time.
    This will divide voters and would help potentially elect McConaughey or other leftist hack.
    He should run when Abbott is no longer running.
    See what happened in Georgia.

  6. Will definitely be voting for Allen West, already donated. Mr. West is principled, genuine conservative, and will make an excellent Governor! Greg Abbott is a RINO, it never occurred to him to be “Conservative” until he took cues from the Governor out of Florida. If you are someone who believes in true conservative policies, vote for Allen West!

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