Democrats dug themselves an election integrity hole, courts may bury them in it – IOTW Report

Democrats dug themselves an election integrity hole, courts may bury them in it

Just The News:

For months now, President Biden and key Democrats have waged endless battle against state laws designed to improve the integrity of elections, ones that make voting easier and cheating harder.

From the start, the mission was complicated since its message ran smack into strong American sentiments in the court of public opinion: Polling shows three quarters of Americans support integrity measures like voter ID that Biden called “Jim Crow in the 21st century.”

Now the Democrat train has run into a similar harsh reality in the courts of law, where justices and judges alike have concluded integrity measures aren’t unconstitutional if they aren’t designed to suppress based on race or skin color or socio-economic status.

The latest blow to the Jim Crow 2.0 argument was delivered Wednesday, when a federal judge refused to issue a preliminary injunction blocking Georgia’s new election integrity law.

Georgia has been the Democrats’ ground zero, the first state to enact comprehensive voting reform after the contested November 2020 elections. From activist Stacy Abrams to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Peach State law has come under withering assault from the left. MORE HERE

8 Comments on Democrats dug themselves an election integrity hole, courts may bury them in it

  1. I think it’s naive to expect much to come of this. The courts may allow such laws to stand, but will they allow prosecutions of those Boards of Election that violate them? There were essentially no prosecutions of DEMONSTRATED election fraud from November 2020 — the courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States, refused to allow them!

  2. Ditto Francis

    We’ll soon be a year past the stolen election, and all we have to show for it in the fraud swing states is an audit in Arizona which still hasn’t produced results and a law in Georgia which will likely go unenforced. It is doubtful anything will happen in Wisconsin. There are reform and audit rumblings in Michigan and Pennsylvania, but so far just background noise. Time is getting tight, and the ball isn’t moving much.

    Meanwhile, they’re cranking out new Covid variants on a werkly basis to keep those ballot drop boxes on every city corner in America, and Dominion is suing the hell out of everyone they can to keep us on the defensive while they expand their operations.

    Changes must be widespread and effective well before November 2022, because there is no way we ate voting our way out of this with the current system.

  3. The commies are in an all out push now, they know that the Pedo is rapidly diminishing and Commiela is unfit. There is a limited time to go full bore fascist to destroy thus country. Manchelle and Hildebeast wait in the wings.

    There will be a war soon to distract the nation. Soup brains and the tweener slut are to weak to defend us.

    We are so screwed…

  4. To complicate matters, Chinese defectors have reported that the CCP intends to release a more virulent strain of COVID this fall.
    {probably with the blessing of Biden and his gaggle of goons}.
    Who knows, I put nothing past either government at this point but if that does happen it’s really going to get intense.


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