‘NO TRESPASSING’ – Lawmaker Says Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged – IOTW Report

‘NO TRESPASSING’ – Lawmaker Says Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged

h/t nunyo bidness


This morning, Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend informed us on how to protect ourselves against Vaccine Nazis.

She shared this tweet telling us what we can do before the feds come asking for our papers.

I have spoken to local law enforcement and if you don’t want the Federal government on your property asking about vaccines, they advise you to post a no trespassing sign in a visible location. This is a prerequisite to be able to charge someone for being there against your will.


16 Comments on ‘NO TRESPASSING’ – Lawmaker Says Vaccine Harassers Can Be Charged

  1. My property here in SC is posted and anyone knocking on my door without any advance notice will be treated to the business end of my 870.

  2. what benito said

    btw, my Chiro said 4 vaccinated patients complained that their ears started ringin right after they got the shot

  3. 1 Sharpen the edge of your digging spade and spray it down with WD-40.

    2 If your backyard is not private, install a 6 ft stockade fence which hides the sight of that area by your back door.

    3 If any Fed Jabber dork comes to your front door, ask it to meet you at your back door.

    4 Have potted plants ready to cover a spur-of-the-moment 6’x3′ flower bed.

  4. Our barber informed us last visit that he has a good friend who went full on epileptic at work after getting his second shot. It was so bad that he had bruising all over his one side from thrashing on the floor so much. NEVER had any health issues before either. YIKES…

  5. Need to freshen the purple paint on some of the fence posts surrounding our rural property. In Texas, that purple paint serves as a legal, “No Trespassing” sign.

  6. AA, I drive by the tiny town of Naples, Idaho on Hwy 95 all the time on my to Bonners Ferry. Ruby Ridge is a few miles West of Naples. The Feds could’ve had Randy Weaver any time they wanted him but they just had to intervene and cause a great big giant clusterfuck of a politically motivated mess in order to capture him because he was considered to be an enemy of the state. The whole thing was one giant travesty of injustice that should’ve never have happened. And as for your first question, what’s next a Waco style intervention because some people will refuse to be mandatorily vaccinated on Constitutional grounds that it invades their right to privacy and probably the 4th Amendment as well. If they come to my door, I’ll refuse to talk to them, they can go pound sand.

  7. HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra:

    “It is the taxpayer’s business if we have to continue to spend money to try to keep people from contracting COVID and helping reopen the economy…”

    I think he means that it is the tax collector’s business, which sounds like the IRS will be doing the enforcing here. Perhaps with an assist from Pelosi’s new National Capitol Police field offices.

    If that is the case, “No Tresspassing” signs ain’t gonna help.

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