Arrest Made at Art Gallery Set to Display Hunter Biden Pieces – IOTW Report

Arrest Made at Art Gallery Set to Display Hunter Biden Pieces

WJ: When people believe they’re being lied to and treated like they’re stupid, they have a tendency to lash out.

Now, this is not to say that lashing out is always the right response, but if someone behaves irrationally in the face of absurdly patronizing treatment, it certainly doesn’t negate the insulting nature of the person who is, indeed, patronizing them.

Such is the case with artist-musician-filmmaker-activist Rod Webber, who was recently arrested for attempting to vandalize the Manhattan art gallery that has been slated by the White House to provide ethical oversight to Hunter Biden’s budding art career. more here

13 Comments on Arrest Made at Art Gallery Set to Display Hunter Biden Pieces

  1. I know really talented artists who have toiled at their passion for decades and the cumulative return on their work doesn’t approach what this talentless crap weasel will get for one of his crack pipe (or cocaine straw —whatever) creations. What the Whitehouse is doing to support this fraud is beyond criminal.

  2. Damn! You’d think Hunter was a Clinton!

    This is a scam similar to The Clinton Foundation – pay to play – and everybody – EVERBODY – knows it – including the DoJ and FBI.

    They whistle and look up at the ceiling.
    Kind of makes you wonder where that NY District Attorney got off to.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I have ambiguous feelings about this.

    OOH I applaud the artist for calling attention to the scam Hunter is pulling as well as the never endings wars our MIC and Intelligence Institutions require.

    OTOH had he come into my gallery when I had one and started spray painting on the walls, I would have knocked the fucker out.

  4. So, the gallerist is on the receiving end of criminality for a change…

    Georges Berges is no stranger to court wrangling. In a federal lawsuit dated 2016 he was accused of defrauding an investor – Ingrid Arneberg. The plaintiff claimed she invested $500,000 in Berges’ gallery for a promised ‘expansion’, however the cash ostensibly went towards paying off old debts. In a case that was settled in 2018, Berges subsequently counter-sued Arneberg.

    Furthermore, in 1998 the art dealer was charged with assault with a deadly weapon and making “terrorist threats.” The latter charges were later dismissed, with Berges pleading “no contest” to the assault and receiving 36 months probation, without any more details of the case available.

    Georges Berges served 90 days in jail, according to Santa Cruz Superior Court documents.

    from this article:

  5. I saw some of Hunter’s masterpieces. I did some similar work when I was fooling around with a straw and paint. His art is all method but without purpose or thought. It’s like playing scales on an instrument but never playing a song.

  6. As far as I can tell from everything that’s been said about this “art” setup, the whole “ethical” part of it is that neither Joey nor his idiot son will know who the buyers are.

    They must be really stupid to think that *I* am so stupid to swallow this stinking pile of fetid dingo’s kidneys.

    I mean, what’s to stop a buyer from publicly standing up and shouting, “Hey! Lookee here! I got me one a them Hunter Biden paintings! And I paid only a half a million for it. What a steal! … Um, Hunter, can I talk to you and your dad for a few minutes?”

  7. “A far more obvious level of protection would be for the identity of those buying Hunter’s paintings”

    It’s the American taxpayer footin’ the bill!

    What a bunch of typical Biden horse shit.

  8. They have gone from a weak attempt to cover graft by using a straddle in Hillary’s cattle futures scam to open and transparent graft.

    The establishment Republicans, the McRomRyanBushes will circle the wagons for them and they know it.

  9. Hunter’s art and the Whitehouse’s support of it is like when James Cagney smashed that grapefruit into the woman’s face. We are now the woman’s face.


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