Judicial Watch: Over 300,000 demand inquiry into ‘Biden family corruption’ – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: Over 300,000 demand inquiry into ‘Biden family corruption’

WaEx: Over 300,000 have signed a petition from one of Washington’s top watchdogs demanding that a special counsel be appointed to investigate allegations that President Joe Biden and family members, notably budding artist and son Hunter Biden, have profited off public service.

Judicial Watch, which has documented Hunter Biden’s travels on Air Force One and Air Force Two, said that 309,229 have signed its petition posted on Change.org, the latest indication that, at least among conservatives, questions about Biden and his father allegedly profiting in China and Ukraine won’t go away.

Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president, said, “There is plenty of substantial evidence, from documents and witness statements, that the Biden family, including President Joe Biden, may have been involved in criminal activity involving, among other issues, foreign entities tied to Ukraine and China.”

He added, “Hunter has acknowledged that he is the target of an FBI criminal investigation, and he’s on to his next corrupt enterprise — secretly selling his ‘ink blow’ paintings, in a scheme concocted by the Biden White House. A special counsel needs to be appointed immediately because the Biden Justice Department is conflicted in investigating any matter that could implicate President Biden or his immediate family.” read more

8 Comments on Judicial Watch: Over 300,000 demand inquiry into ‘Biden family corruption’

  1. Kind of pointless unless you are going to do more than tell us what we already know. These Biden people should be in Jail forever, starting now. Hillary alone should be in jail for thousands of years based on her handling of the 900+ FBI files. Not to mention the corrupt Obamas, et al.

  2. One side of conversation:

    Inspector Bendover of the FBI, How may I help you.

    No Mr. Guliani Giuliani. NO.
    No, we don’t want your hard drives.
    No. No you will not drop them off.
    No You Won’t.

    Mr Guliani, How many times a week are you going to call us and demand that we take them as evidence.
    If you keep this up, we will arrest you.
    On what? Well how about disturbing a sleep officer. I mean a peace officer.
    Well Fuck You too Mr. Giuliani ….


  3. DOJ and the FBI, Investigate? giggle !
    Come on man, that’s not what they’re about, they’re here to protect the elite from prosecution and kill men, women and children like at Waco.


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