It looks as if there was massive election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia – IOTW Report

It looks as if there was massive election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia

American Thinker
Andrea Widburg

Garland Favorito founded VoterGA, an election integrity organization that has tenaciously followed the November election in Fulton County, including the ballot storage and recounts.  His organization now has irrefutable proof that there was election and recount fraud in Fulton County, Georgia. It’s noteworthy that Biden “won” in Georgia by only 11,779 votes.

To begin, you can see the press release from VoterGA here.  These are the key factual assertions:

The team’s analysis revealed that 923 of 1539 mail-in ballot batch files contained votes incorrectly reported in Fulton’s official November 3rd 2020 results. These inaccuracies are due to discrepancies in votes for Donald Trump, Joe Biden and total votes cast compared to their reported audit totals for respective batches. Thus, the error reporting rate in Fulton’s hand count audit is a whopping 60%.

One type of error discovered involved duplicate results reporting for batches of ballots. The team found at least 36 batches of mail-in ballots with 4,255 total extra votes were redundantly added into Fulton Co. audit results for the November election. These illicit votes include 3,390 extra votes for Joe Biden, 865 extra votes for Donald Trump and 43 extra votes for Jo Jorgenson.

But it is not simply a case of errors. The VoterGA team found 7 falsified audit tally sheets containing fabricated vote totals for their respective batches. For example, a batch containing 59 actual ballot images for Joe Biden, 42 for Donald Trump and 0 for Jo Jorgenson was reported as 100 for Biden and 0 for Trump. The seven batches of ballot images with 554 votes for Joe Biden, 140 votes for Donald Trump and 11 votes for Jo Jorgenson had tally sheets in the audit falsified to show 850 votes for Biden, 0 votes for Trump and 0 votes for Jorgenson.

There’s more

21 Comments on It looks as if there was massive election fraud in Fulton County, Georgia

  1. It’s time to roll back the Electoral College numbers to early November 4th.
    NOBODY has reached 270 yet.

    Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, & Michigan MUST be audited before our country can resume.
    It’s the ONLY WAY!

    BTW, Nevada is SO FUCKED an audit wouldn’t matter.
    Foxes guard, own, populate and fuck the hen-house here.

  2. Liberal Bush Team hates conservatives! have done so since “Voo Doo Economics”! B and B are on the liberal Bush team. Being “team players” they rigged the election for Joe.
    Has been as plain as the nose on your face for over 8 months!
    But it also has clear that libs run Ga GOP! So B and B are in no trouble.

    America on the other hand, is in big trouble!

  3. Till I see people perp walked to jail, Georgia, Arizona and all the other states involved withdraw certification o fthe election I can’t get excited about this news

  4. …0 votes for Jorgenson…”

    Pretty lame, Democrats, when you have to steal the Libertarian’s votes to drag your withered old husk across the finish line.


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