Let’s Take A Moment To Point & Laugh at the Our Friends at the Batshit Crazy Five & Dime – IOTW Report

Let’s Take A Moment To Point & Laugh at the Our Friends at the Batshit Crazy Five & Dime

Diogenes’ Middle Finger:
Boston Pride Dissolves Amid Diversity Complaints
Can we just take a minute and laugh together? “BLM attacked Boston Pride, (a gay activist group that’s been around for 50 years), claiming that they’re too white. more

10 Comments on Let’s Take A Moment To Point & Laugh at the Our Friends at the Batshit Crazy Five & Dime

  1. They did it in Toronto a few years ago.

    Stopped the parade Dead In Its Tracks by laying down on the street in front of it physically.
    The Head of the Pride Parade eventually had to sign some promise papers & they resumed their march.
    After that, the BLM came after the admin., most quit, and the usual, missing money, coppers banned from the parade, etc. ensued.

    I truly Do Not Give a Shit, but the parade has been less successful, much more political& militant, and not nearly as profitable.

    As I have said before, They Test a lot of Theories up here in Canuckistan and eventually bring them down to the USA.

  2. @ Jethro and CG: And then there are the fag flags waving in the breeze here in Nolackaloonies, MT and I presume elsewhere. Celebrating what?? Imagined “Oppression”? Unhealthy lifestyles? Being an extremely small minority? Inability to rule the world? Or is it just to offend the vast and tolerant majority?

  3. @ NAAC: I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. I think most of the B.S. that is being slung around right now is just to A) test the waters to see what they can get away with. And B) try to piss us off enough to make us do something stupid.

  4. The gay agenda in this world is truly off the charts crazy. The gays are always bleating about how they just want to treated like straight people. I get it, as I’m sure most people who just want to be left alone do as well. But, they always say that they must be treated differently because they are gay, therefore they are oppressed victims.

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