Oregon wildfire is ‘out of control,’ reportedly the size of Los Angeles – IOTW Report

Oregon wildfire is ‘out of control,’ reportedly the size of Los Angeles

Just the News-

The monstrous fire burning in Oregon has continued to grow since starting in early July and is still only 25% contained, according to reports.

The Bootleg Fire, which was started by a lightning strike, has charred a 476-square-mile area or approximately the size of Los Angeles. It has destroyed at least 67 homes and 100 buildings, according to Yahoo News. more

17 Comments on Oregon wildfire is ‘out of control,’ reportedly the size of Los Angeles

  1. “…started by a lightning strike,..”

    These days, I’m having trouble believing that, but okay. Just don’t push it by invoking climate change, please.

  2. Thank the environmental nutcases for this, your banned from clearing out the underbrush, turns it into a tinderbox,we have the same issue here in Arizona.

    They wonder why the country is burning down, then try and turn it around and blame global warming. Fucking asshats!

  3. Extreme, crowning, running, spotting. Aggressive surface spread with pyrocumulus development. Spot fires quickly exhibiting extreme fire behavior with very high percentage of ignition. Closed timber stands easily sustaining short to moderate duration crown runs.

    The pyrocumulous development is not good. That is what is known as a firestorm

  4. I don’t usually pay much attention to what is in the news and go to the source of the info. The kids and I spend a lot of time between central Washington/Oregon and Montana in August and September every year.


    Planned Actions
    Patrol and mopup south and west edge of fire, construct direct line to the North and Northeast, scout and construct contingency lines

    Projected Incident Activity
    The fire will continue to be extremely active with unstable air conditions and extremely dry fuels. Additional atmospheric moisture passing through the area has the potential to produce thunderstorms today. Red flag warnings likely for the next several days.

  5. This is the first year my oldest has not been on a fire line in about 10 years. First a Hot Shot, then a contract saw guy. I’m sleeping much better this fire season.

  6. Why is it everything, when it gets out of hand, is the ‘size of Los Angeles’?

    Like in: if you put all the men who have plugged Kamala Harris in one group, it would be the size of Los Angeles.

  7. @ Brad JULY 20, 2021 AT 12:20 AM

    I have a good buddy who flew for the Forest Service out of Missoula for years. Busy dude.

    He still lives in Missoula, but flys commercial passenger jets out of SeaTac now.

  8. May the Lord bless and protect those who stand on the front lines fighting the fire, may He hold His hand over them to keep them safe from all hurt, harm, or danger, may He lend them His strenght to be able to complete their tasks as they put themselves in harm’s way to save the lives of others,and may He also stenthen those that support them in this difficult and very long campaign that is likely only the first of many. May He also send rain to quench the flames even as He removes those in peril from the path of the consuming flames. The fire is large but our Lord is larger, so we call upon Him as He asks, hoping, praying, expecting that He will show His power for His glory in quenching this danger. We ask it all in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.

    God Bless,


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