Meanwhile in Las Vegas: Jabs for Joints – IOTW Report

Meanwhile in Las Vegas: Jabs for Joints

Las Vegas dispensary offering a free joint with a Covid shot.

15 Comments on Meanwhile in Las Vegas: Jabs for Joints

  1. Not far in the horizon,
    for a jab, those willing get a jab at Kamalla, if you know what I mean

    On a similar note, if I get one punch to knock out Biden’s teefs, then I’d trade that for a jab. (But sugarwater like the politicians get, not that poison)

  2. Can they take a train ride on the mythical high speed overseas train that runs over the Pacific Ocean between between San Francisco and Hawaii? I don’t know which is worse smoking dope and getting high or playing Beat the Reaper with the COVID jab.

  3. @majorityofbob, well yea, genius Fauchi said it’s a good idea to mix the jabs, without any scientific proof. 2x moderna, 2x pfizer, 1x J&J. That’s, I feel like 5, maybe 7, no 9, wait, definitely 8 joints on the line you can get monthly, man.

  4. Are they also gonna offer free tacos (Doritoes) from Taco Hell or Jack in the box when they get the munchies after getting the jab? And free watermelons, fried chicken, Colt 45 malt liquor and menthol cigs for their black victims of the jab.

  5. I remember a guy in college who used to donate blood for $5 a pint, until he found out the reproductive clinic paid $25 for sperm donors. They had to keep reminding him he couldn’t come back every day.

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