Reuters is pimping AOC ‘Merch’ – IOTW Report

Reuters is pimping AOC ‘Merch’

Becker News: Reuters is one of the oldest and most widely read news wires in the world. It has been known historically for its reliable, non-partisan reportage. But as American readers might have noted, the news service has recently taken a hard left turn.

The confirmation that there is indeed something amiss at Reuters has come in the form of the news wire itself effectively advertising merchandise for the socialist Democratic representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“AOC is now selling merchandise,” Reuters announced. more

10 Comments on Reuters is pimping AOC ‘Merch’

  1. Show off your communistwear, it’s all teh cool for the cool kids. Get out there and show the world how cool it is to hate America by showing how stupid you are in supporting a horse toothed dunce.

  2. Most of the 1800 newspapers extant in Germany in 1933 jumped on the National Socialist bandwagon.
    Goebbels’ job was relatively easy.

    Funny, that after sacrificing blood and treasure to defeat National Socialism – 76 years on we’re adopting its tenets and methods. Not “ha ha” funny.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. From the tweet: “She shot a video for Vogue detailing her personal skincare routine.”

    LOL, how about a video for Colgate detailing how in hell she flosses those massive choppers.

  4. Funny that. The female jackass is always braying(see what I did there?)about how evil our capitalistic system is for poor people. But if you were to peruse her website, most of the t-shirts start at $25. She also is hawking a hoodie sweatshirt that is $65. The kicker of it is that her initials are on everything on sale. Apparently, she is a capitalist & a narcissist to boot. Yet, we already knew this.

  5. Note that the AOC hee-hawing donkey-lounge lizard NEVER ONCE spent a dime on helping and improving the widely impoverished districts she squats over. Voter ballot fraud got her in, not legit votes since she’s widely despised in NYC.

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