Pelosi’s Office Blames Runaway Texas Dems for COVID Outbreak – IOTW Report

Pelosi’s Office Blames Runaway Texas Dems for COVID Outbreak

WFB: A staffer for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) blames the cohort of Texas Democratic legislators for giving him COVID-19, raising questions about a potential super-spreader event in the nation’s capital.

On Tuesday, Axios reported that an aide to the speaker and a White House official tested positive for COVID-19 after attending a rooftop reception to honor the fugitive lawmakers. Both individuals were fully vaccinated, although a White House official downplayed the staffer’s illness.

“Yesterday, a fully-vaccinated senior spokesperson in the Speaker’s press office tested positive for COVID after contact with members of the Texas state legislature last week,” said Drew Hammier, deputy chief of staff to Pelosi.

The group of 50 Texas Democrats flouted federal regulations implemented by President Biden that require passengers on privately charted planes to wear masks for the duration of a flight. As of publication, no legal action has been taken against them, even though the Centers for Disease Control issued explicit warnings about not wearing masks. The Federal Aviation Administration did not respond to requests for comment from the Washington Free Beacon. more here

25 Comments on Pelosi’s Office Blames Runaway Texas Dems for COVID Outbreak

  1. “White House official tested positive for COVID-19 after attending a rooftop reception to honor the fugitive lawmakers.”

    Pelosi blamed her own party for getting a staffer sick? OMG, that’s hilarious? Is the perp on a ventilator yet? This is really funny, go to a reception to praise Democrats for shirking their responsibilities to the people of Texas. This is good karma! Furthermore, they all got the double jab, and they still got covid. Hmmmm, proof the jab doesn’t do what it’s intended to do. Fauci is another Dr. Josef Mengele:

    Eager to advance his medical career by publishing “groundbreaking” work, he then began experimenting on live Jewish prisoners. In the guise of medical “treatment,” Mengele injected, or ordered others to inject, thousands of inmates with everything from petrol to chloroform to study the chemicals’ effects.

    Sounds like Fauci to me!

  2. The “channel” my foil hat is tuned to said botox talked them into abdicating their responsibilities in Texas, just to shut down the Repub’s passing voter reform. The channel also started that the bus botox just threw them under is on retainer to her office for occasions such as these.

  3. “Well, they’ve all had the JAB so.”

    Well, they all *say* they’ve had it, anyway. Remember, not a one of them trusted any jab produced under Trump’s leadership. And it’s not like politicians or bureaucrats have a good record of following the rules they make for us. They’d be ripping the “Trump” vaxes to shreds right now if they weren’t so heavily invested in the scam.

  4. @Goldenfoxx:

    Furthermore, they all got the double jab, and they still got covid. Hmmmm, proof the jab doesn’t do what it’s intended to do.

    Au contraire! The jab seems to have worked exactly as intended, namely to turn those stuck into infectious mutated virus spreaders.

    What it didn’t do was work exactly as claimed by the propagandists.

  5. Don’t you love it when the liberals feast on their own? It always has amazed me how nothing is ever their fault. You know, just because their intentions were good & they are the party of tolerance & diversity. Just as long as you agree with everything they say or do. But, when the shit hits the fan, the finger pointing starts.

  6. Another fine example of the amazing efficiency of our government: Texas Democrats went to Washington with a case of Miller Lite, and returned with six cases of Corona….

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