Meghan McCain Couldn’t Stand The ‘Backstabbing’ Of Her Cohosts On ‘The View’ – IOTW Report

Meghan McCain Couldn’t Stand The ‘Backstabbing’ Of Her Cohosts On ‘The View’

Political Insider: Meghan McCain shocked fans earlier this month when she announced that she would be leaving the ABC talk show “The View” at the end of July after three seasons. Now, new information about her departure from the show is coming to light. more

19 Comments on Meghan McCain Couldn’t Stand The ‘Backstabbing’ Of Her Cohosts On ‘The View’

  1. “It remains to be seen who will be replacing the lone conservative on the show.”

    …the daughter of Songbird McTraitor is no more a conservative than AOC is, just one pretends and one doesn’t.

    They could replace her with Mitt Romney. Same views, same fake conservatism, same treachery and hatred for the United States, but Rmoney IS a bit more feminine, so maybe the other hens will be happier with him…

  2. How sad their universal hatred for orange man and love of tyranny and support of Biden didn’t get them across the finish line to be BFFs. Very karmic when it comes to the McCains.

  3. Scripted theatrics. As fake as the book Prince Cucky is gonna write.
    If they need another faux conservative woman, Lindsey Graham is available in between appearances everywhere else.

  4. “Meghan McCain Couldn’t Stand The ‘Backstabbing’ Of Her Cohosts On ‘The View’”

    I don’t understand her reasoning. She fits right in with her backstabber friends, she’s just like her dad, always complaining and backstabbing. It’s in their DNA.

  5. The hosts/fans would be in for a real shock with a real conservative so that ain’t happening. The fainting couch would wear a hole right to the floor. Time to find another liberal to call conservative, it shouldn’t be hard just look towards the republican party.

  6. Tony R
    JULY 21, 2021 AT 10:08 AM
    “Yet one more example in a sea of evidence to refute the argument that “the world would be a better place if it was run by women”.”

    …many years ago “Popeye” took a cut at how this would turn out, judge for yourself it it would be “better”, but the part where she drugs the opposition into submission is pretty on-the-nose…

  7. GregMan
    JULY 21, 2021 AT 11:05 AM
    “Maybe Liz Cheney could take her spot once she gets voted out of her Wyoming congressional seat.”

    …ain’t gonna happen.

    And I’ll sue you if you ask me how I know.

  8. “McCain Couldn’t Stand The ‘Backstabbing’”

    yea right, tell me the last time that chick who is “broad as a barn door” even saw her backside.
    that’s one wide view mirror.

    of course the other hens on the show wanted any voice of dissent to their cackling, no matter how little, taken off the show, they could never defend their biases against opposition.

  9. McCain was a blue blood legacy to the Naval Academy by lineage . I respect his service to our country , but he weirded out in later years as dementia or something like it set in as he continued to serve in the senate , some may remember “mad dog ” mattis being sent over to the senators office to give him a military style ass chewing . He should have retired before it came to that , and his desire to engage militarily anywhere on the globe was/is disturbing . As a Navy vet I thank God he never earned a “Command at Sea” pin .

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