10 Reasons to Question the Election – IOTW Report

10 Reasons to Question the Election

American Thinker:

By Rob Jenkins

It’s frustrating to hear people on the Right, including some who should know better, claim there’s “no evidence” of significant, possibly outcome-changing fraud in the last presidential election — even as the forensic audit in Arizona uncovers multiple discrepancies.  

Clearly, they’re confusing “evidence” with “proof.”   

No, there may not be absolute, incontrovertible proof of election fraud — yet.  But there is plenty of evidence, good reasons a rational person might question the outcome.  Here are ten that come to mind, in no particular order:  

Eyewitness testimony.  Since November 3, hundreds of people have come forward to report that they personally witnessed various irregularities in the vote-counting process: ballots run through tabulating machines multiple times; “pristine” mail-in ballots; ballots that appeared to have been printed on different paper or filled out by machines — the list goes on.  

Two questions come to mind.  First, what would these witnesses stand to gain by making knowingly false claims?  Many submitted actual affidavits, subjecting themselves to potential legal liability.  Second, could that many people simply be mistaken?  It seems unlikely.  

Our own eyes.  Actually, the eyewitness testimony confirms what many of us have since seen for ourselves, via security camera footage: cases of ballots being pulled out from under tables in Fulton County, Georgia, right after observers were told to go home for the night.  Vans pulling up to TCF Center in Detroit, with dozens of boxes unloaded in the dead of night.  

We also saw, live on television, huge, sudden jumps in vote totals for Biden, in some cases accompanied by corresponding drops in Trump’s totals.

Are there innocent, plausible explanations?  Perhaps.  But I have yet to hear any.  Mostly, we’re just told, “Move along, folks.  Nothing to see here.”   more here

20 Comments on 10 Reasons to Question the Election

  1. Hey Rob you missed the most important!

    GWB said it was , “on the up and up”! Many, many times the last 8 months!

    1/06 I read 3 times the decadent President said the economy was strong.I said, if the economy is as strong as this leftist is conservative; we are in for the worstrecession in 100 years!
    So I liquidated my portfolio. Sold half why stocks.

    And, the economy was as strong as GWB was conservative! Every stock I sold was down AT LEAST 50
    % BY ’09! One down 90%!

    The only time GWB told the truth was in ’06 when he said, “I HOPE I’N THE LAST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT!”!

  2. I don’t need ten reasons. There’s only one reason, and it’s that potato-head in the White House.

    That motherfucker never won shit but his hair plugs.

  3. This is not one retard. There’s no fucking way. This was a Color Revolution carried out by non elected Government infiltrators. There, I said it, And they will not stop until we stop them. The race is on, will they disarm us before we start stopping them? Someone say go.

  4. lame article. we all know the empirical evidence … don’t mean a thing. this just draws focus away from the real evidence

    we all know that the election was stolen, & stolen in various states by various different methods … the Suckerberg buy in PA, the buying-out of GA repugnicans, the fraud in AZ, NV, MN, etc. the 4th Estate will not allow facts to be presented to the People. we no longer have justice …. we are a nation of rule, not law

    to Brad’s request … “GO!”

  5. Listen guys, we are all trying to fight this thing one way or another! It feels like years! I get it. Say your prayers everyday and even pray for those who are so lost and don’t know what they are believing. Sure it sounds corny but be positive and have faith. Be solid in what you believe and do not fall for their games.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  6. Come on guys, it’s tough. I wanted all the horrible people to explode and disappear yesterday BUT it’s not happening like that. So I know the Lord Jesus Christ has us all in the center of concentration. It’s taken me years to understand this and now that I do, I know it will all work out. OK, it might not work out to what I want 100%, BUT it will be for the best.

    Just say your prayers everyday and let go of the hate. I know it’s difficult. From what I understand if you can’t forgive, neither can God forgive your sins.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  7. Sorry but people do deserve to die because of this. It’s not like somebody rigged the Sunday School Superintendent election anymore.

    We are facing consequences that effect this country’s future and the lives of our children.

    Elections do have consequences and this one was played for keeps.

    Keep it real folks. God does care and prayer works but at some point the old typing practice phrase will kick in (now is the time for every good man to…)


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