After Boris Johnson made his announcement, Eric Clapton made one of his own – IOTW Report

After Boris Johnson made his announcement, Eric Clapton made one of his own

via BBC

Update 07/19/2021, 7:31 p.m .: The British government wants to require mandatory corona vaccination certificates for nightclubs and other major events in England from autumn. “Some of the greatest pleasures and opportunities in life will increasingly depend on vaccinations,” said Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday (19.07.2021) in London. By the end of September, all adults in the UK would have the opportunity to be fully vaccinated against corona.

Until then, however, no such evidence is required for clubs and other major events. Nightclubs are only encouraged to ask for the so-called NHS Covid Pass upon entry.

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of Great Britain, is going his own way for England.

18 Comments on After Boris Johnson made his announcement, Eric Clapton made one of his own

  1. Eric Clapner has a legitimate problem with the jab, and has had considerable serious problems since he had it. I can imagine him not wanting to force anybody into going through what he has had to deal with. He even feared his playing days would be over, he apparently lost a lot of his hand coordination.

  2. ““Some of the greatest pleasures and opportunities in life will increasingly depend on vaccinations,” said Prime Minister Boris Johnson ”

    What a fucking waste of time and money and men to save the British from the Germans, just to have them become THIS.

  3. Now the vaccinated getting Covid are calling for universal mask wearing again! Both TX democrats who are no longer going to publicly report their cases although they all claim to be jabbed last March (6 and counting infected) and random vaccinated vacationers that caught it over the 4th of July.
    So the fake vaccine does nothing so go back to the worthless face diaper. We are going to be fighting morons for the foreseeable future.

  4. If the only ones getting the virus again after taking the vaccine does that mean they never really got jabbed? Seems like it’s more dems that are getting reinfected.

  5. Stock up on stuff that matters. Right now, they’re denying us meaningless, extraneous bullshit. But that won’t be enough to get what they want. So get what you’ll need while you can.

  6. Robert D Lyons
    JULY 21, 2021 AT 7:06 PM
    “If the Nazis had won, could we tell the difference now?”

    …they’d have MUCH cooler military uniforms, and 0 Communists.

    …they’d also have these weird pork plants that never produce any sausage that trainloads of workers would go into, but none ever come out for…some reason…

  7. I always use Eric Clapton as a SUPREME EXAMPLE as to why I’m not getting The Jab because of what he experienced first hand. Now I’ve only told Mrs. Manderin that but it’s the arrow in my quiver should anybody DARE to bully me around about the vaccine!

  8. Eric Clapton is an avid gun enthusiast and collector. I’ve been a fan of his since I was in the 7th grade and have been to many of his concerts starting in 1974 at the Hammersmith Odeon in London. I’ve always liked that he wasn’t a showboat artist. No flaming guitars or flying across the stage for him. He doesn’t need that BS to entertain a crowd. I saw him last at the Royal Albert Hall in 2011. It was awesome. He could fill that place every night for a year and that’s something I don’t believe anyone else could do. I’d love to go shooting with him someday and just talk about guns.


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