Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters – IOTW Report

Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters

She seems nice.


Aleida Guevara March, daughter of communist mass murderer Ernesto “Che” Guevara, has urged the Cuban Communist Party to enact more violent repressive measures against the thousands of “low-class people” protesting on the island, AmericaTeVe reported on Tuesday.

Guevara, an Argentine-Irish communist who joined Fidel Castro’s small group of violent Marxists in the takeover of the country in 1959, served as economics minister in the early days of the Cuban Revolution. He spearheaded programs to build concentration camps for suspected homosexual Cubans and Christian groups, organized firing squads against political dissidents, and openly boasted to the United Nations that the Revolution intended to kill large numbers of Cuban people.

Che Guevara also wrote somewhat extensively of his racism against black-skinned people around the world and his hatred of LGBT people, considering them unsuitable for molding into the “New Soviet Man,” as communists had vowed to do with populations under their control. more here

16 Comments on Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters

  1. “Mexicans are mostly a rabble of illiterate Indians” ~ Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara

    … apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, does it racist Commitards?

  2. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, yes, Sir. We are a rabble of illiterate Americans, in their eyes. Oh well. Let them assume we suck. Let us convince them we suck.

    They will pay for their crimes.

  3. Take away her Royal status & money and send her to live in Chicago. Lets see how well she she does among the lower classes.

    I give people a piece of my mind when I see a Che T-shirt.

  4. Funny how the kids follows their Dad’s footsteps.

    Trudeau following Castro’s Communist policies and Che’s daughter wants the protestors for Liberty to be tortured and murdered.

    Nice kids as far as communism is concerned.

  5. His racism was much less of a problem for folks back in the day than his homicidal psychosis.

    This spawn of Che sounds a lot like some of our homegrown tyrants-on-training-wheels in her call to crack down on dissent rather than to address the causes of the dissent.

  6. Oh some people in Ireland think Che’s the cat’s meow MJA.

    From an article titled Che Guevara’s Basque & Irish Roots
    “Whether or not his great-grandmother or grandmother was born in Ireland, it is time that Che Guevara was recognized by the Irish nation (along with John Lennon) as one of it’s most famous sons.”
    Some people are just willfully ignorant and STUPID!

    He was a murdering coward who is rotting in Hell if there is any justice in this World.

    Che’s Dead Get Over It (dead Che Tees available @ The People’s Cube)


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