2/3 Of Americans Believe China Should Pay Reparations – IOTW Report

2/3 Of Americans Believe China Should Pay Reparations

It sounds like the third that doesn’t hold China responsible is what’s left of the increasingly dwindling Democrat party.

SNIP: How do you suppose we get them to pay up?

9 Comments on 2/3 Of Americans Believe China Should Pay Reparations

  1. …too late, they already paid for Bidens. Its a WHOLE lot cheaper and destroyed our ability to make them pay with “diplomacy by other means”, so all we can do is beg them, and stand by helplessly as they ignore us and go on to invade our onetime allies on their way to creating a Chinese version of The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere by force…

  2. …but they easily COULD agree to payments, then unleash the second half of the binary weapon that finishes what the “vaccines” started.

    …wouldn’t be no gweilos left to pay, after that, just lots of bodies to burn, and all the infrastructure left perfectly intact…

  3. They owe me money from a 7-day job that got cancelled right after the pandemic hit. That particular job was gonna be KACHING because of the OT. Commie bastards!!!

  4. Easy, China owns $1.1 trillion of US debt, cancel it, pretend it’s student loan debt, they are good at cancelling that.

    And if they don’t have the stones to do this, at least sequester the debt pending future litigation, not paying the interest will save billions.

  5. Speaking of reparations, i want to know why any white people have to pay reparations for slavery when it was legal to own slaves. Our white ancestors broke no laws, and we cannot be expected to pay for breaking non existent laws.

    If they tell us that it was wrong and we have to pay anyway, then abortion is wrong and we don’t have to consider that it is legal for them to murder babies. We will exact retribution anyway. Just because it is wrong.


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