Massachusetts: From lab scandal to pool death, a statie’s sad story – IOTW Report

Massachusetts: From lab scandal to pool death, a statie’s sad story

Howie Carr: Is ex-State Police Capt. James J. Coughlin #1818 ready for his close-up Wednesday morning at Dedham District Court?

Coughlin has been living large on his State Police pension of $131,961 a year.

But now he finds out if he will be charged with misdemeanor furnishing of alcohol and reckless endangerment of a child in the wake of the death of a 17-year-old Dedham teen who was found at the bottom of a pool in Coughlin’s backyard last month.

This is a big story — a kid dying after a late-night high school graduation party held at a politically wired ex-state cop’s house. It’s quite sad, especially that nobody at the party apparently noticed what was going on.

But last month’s tragedy wasn’t the first time that something very bad has happened right under Coughlin’s nose and he had no idea what was happening.

In his day, Coughlin was the Inspector Clouseau of the State Police. Except that Clouseau suspected everyone and he suspected no one. Coughlin just suspected … no one.

Does the name Sonja Farak ring a bell? She was the drug-addicted chemist for the state Department of Public Health who snorted and ingested much of the criminal evidence that the cops brought to her laboratory in Amherst to be tested.

It quickly became clear that much of the evidence she handled — like that of her fellow DPH hack Annie Dookhan in Jamaica Plain – had been tampered with. So the hacks in state government desperately tried to cover up the DPH corruption in order to keep everyone that had been wrongfully convicted (most of them people of color) in prison.

So what if 65,000 or so drug tests had to be tossed out because of the rampant corruption? more

10 Comments on Massachusetts: From lab scandal to pool death, a statie’s sad story

  1. I will be the first to admit that I am NO saint, seldom tried to portray myself as such, especially as I became older.

    But, when comparing my misdeeds to those that have been given power and authority over me……

    These ASSHOLES are completely disgusting.

  2. Like many State troopers, did James J. Coughlin attend classes and instruction at the FBI HQ?
    From the looks of his corruption, I’d say probably.
    He obviously learned from the best cover-up crew in the Nation.
    (Hillary, Bill, Obama, Joe and Hunter Nod heads of approval)

  3. @Kcir

    “That is a HUGE pension.

    Actually, here in California, that is on the low end. Here are some of the bigger high rollers;

    School administrators and fire dept. battalion chiefs have the highest, from what I’ve seen.

    Outrageous? You bet, but just remember, these pension contracts were agreed to be the municipality. It’s not their money so they don’t give a shit.

  4. rich taylor

    Yea, the unfunded liability no Libtard Politician likes to include in their accounting of Cali economics. And it’s never been renegotiated. Gonna be fun in a few years.

  5. The REALLY big bucks among police and fire retirees is disability retirement. I remember a few years back hearing that something north of 80% of CHP retirees were disability. What a scam.


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