Massive Protests Around the World Erupt as Countries Mandate ‘Vaccine Passports’ and Lockdowns – IOTW Report

Massive Protests Around the World Erupt as Countries Mandate ‘Vaccine Passports’ and Lockdowns

Tatum Report:

As countries attempt to become more restrictive in their COVID policies, their citizens are taking to the streets to express their extreme discontent that their freedom is unrightfully being taken away.

From lockdowns and mask mandates to forced vaccination and “freedom passes,” the world’s citizens have had enough.

There are 45 countries and 120 cities currently protesting their governments and their tyrannical approach to “keeping people safe.”

Australia has been making the front page in media outlets, but they are not alone. India, France, Italy, and Greece, have also seen massive protests, just to name a few. And not every country even has the right to conduct these protests. more here

8 Comments on Massive Protests Around the World Erupt as Countries Mandate ‘Vaccine Passports’ and Lockdowns

  1. The carrot isn’t working, expect an ever bigger stick in the future.
    As they blame the non-vaccinated for the the “Delta” variant, the source of the of the delta variant is the vaccine.
    In the meantime, John Kerry is jetting around the world in his private jet preaching climate change. At our expense, what is his profit margin, 1000%?

  2. Since I cannot rule out that this is the mark of the beast, and everything about it points in that direction, then yes, this is a hill to die on. Only an intervention from God Almighty can change the trajectory of this country (and the entire world) at this point


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