Democrats Rapidly Losing Ground In Fight Over Critical Race Theory – IOTW Report

Democrats Rapidly Losing Ground In Fight Over Critical Race Theory


After months of advocating for critical race theory in classrooms throughout the country, the Democratic Party is rapidly losing ground with voters over this controversial issue.

Recent polling indicates that the Democratic Party has overplayed its hand on this deeply contentious topic, with a recent poll from YouGov, sponsored by The Economist, found that 58 percent of Americans had an unfavorable view of critical race theory, while only 38 percent of Americans had a favorable view. 

An overwhelming 85 percent of Republicans who were surveyed had a very unfavorable view of critical race theory, with another 6 percent reporting that they had a somewhat unfavorable view. The split was notable partisan, with 58 percent of Democrats having a very favorable view in addition to 28 percent who self-reported a somewhat favorable view. 

Meanwhile, Independents had a distinctly negative view of the theory, with 71 percent reporting a very unfavorable view and another 5 percent answering that they had a somewhat unfavorable view of critical race theory.  more

11 Comments on Democrats Rapidly Losing Ground In Fight Over Critical Race Theory

  1. The Lefts/Demoncraps whole agenda is falling into a sinkhole of their own making. Their bullshiff with the WooHoo Flu is not going to go over very well this fall when the real flu cranks up, after they’ve fessed-up, that the nose probe can’t tell the difference between flu and China flu! This is reaching critical mass!!!!!

  2. Two of my children raise my six grandchildren not to see the color of anyone……and it feels natural in their home…..

    I pity the teacher or administrator of any school that makes those children feel bad over being born “white”…..

    I don’t think the parents will be understanding.

  3. The Biden administration does not care about voters, they do not care about borders, because they do not care about laws. The reason I use The border as an example is because of what they are doing. They are intentionally and illegally transporting illegal immigrants across the border and passing them to states around the country. It is illegal, but they don’t care because the only way they can be stopped is if someone brings a lawsuit against them. They can’t be arrested they can’t be stopped without legal action, and they know it!
    The same applies with CRT. The teachers unions have already made the declaration that they will teach this to kids regardless of what the law says or what people say. They do not care about anything but the consolidation of power.

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