‘Signs of Senility’: Brit Hume Calls Out Biden’s Slipping Mental State – IOTW Report

‘Signs of Senility’: Brit Hume Calls Out Biden’s Slipping Mental State

MRC: Between his bumbling about during a CNN town hall last week and his over the weekend episode where he seemingly says “my butt’s been wiped,” the condition of President Biden’s mental faculties had drawn increased scrutiny in recent days. And during an appearance on Monday’s Special Report, Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume did what the liberal media refused to do and called it out, noting “these are signs of senility.”

“You know, Brit, the President obviously receives some pretty good press overall from the media,” anchor Bret Baier prefaced as he broached the subject. “But, there have been a couple answers recently at a town hall, also reporters question him where he has snapped at them or said something where people weren’t following it.”

He followed up with these examples of Biden’s incoherent ramblings:

24 Comments on ‘Signs of Senility’: Brit Hume Calls Out Biden’s Slipping Mental State

  1. Maybe his butt was wiped.

    The alternative is Kamala Harris, whose butt has been wiped, reamed, plowed, rammed, spit on, manipulated and jizzed so many times, it forgot how to shit.

  2. Even saying “signs of senility” is too freakin’ mild. It implies Joey’s mostly OK but has an occasional lapse. In reality, Joey’s mostly senile but on occasion blurts out something that sound like it makes sense (probably by accident, like those monkeys banging on typewriters).

  3. They to wait for the “covid variant” to take hold and force shutdowns, locking,and vaccine passports put place until kamala takes over. Otherwise there’s going be rioting in the streets.

  4. His brain is pudding from the cancer and surgeries he had years ago. He’s going to have a cerebral hemorrhage in public and stroke out majorly or completely. Knowing who is next in line and who is running things behind the curtain I don’t know if I should laugh or cry when it happens.

  5. I remember the video of Biden harassing a 12 year old girl in the Waco Hearings in 1995. He simply told her that it was too bad that her parents were dead, but it’s their fault because they were not smart enough to leave the Waco “compound”! That performance by that asshole Biden has had him on my shitlist ever since. Look up the video …… it’s there
    s there!

  6. I saw the butt wiping video and that’s what he clearly said “my butts been wiped.” I got to laughing and had an image in my had that Jill had just wiped his butt, put another Depend on him and sent him out to make a fool of himself. I have truly lived to see the day…….

  7. @Vietvet

    Remember the pic of her entering up the steps on a jet with a shitstain leaking out of her gross ass.
    And the 9-11 memorial when they loaded her like a sack of potatoes into the van. No way she didn’t release.

  8. @stirrin ~ I’m guessing about 2-3 weeks after next Jan. 20. … that way Kammie Kumquat can serve another 2 terms as Cackling Puppet

    … unless whomever serves as her VP has her assassinated, ala the Roman Emperors
    that’s what we’re ‘evolving’ into …

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