Gov Kristi Noem Says If You Don’t Like Vaccination Mandates, Just Quit Your Job – IOTW Report

Gov Kristi Noem Says If You Don’t Like Vaccination Mandates, Just Quit Your Job

The federal government pushes corporations to ban speech and
now the federal government uses corporations to push vaccinations. Or else.

TheLastRefuge: It’s always there, right below the conservative veneer; and if you wait, it surfaces.  This tweet highlights the difference between ‘conservative’ corporatism (traditional GOP class), and MAGA pragmatism (the blue collar dynamic).

The disconnect is found in the difference between what looks like a good ‘talking point’, and the reality of workers having to deal with the issue of mandated vaccinations in the workplace.  Just quit your job… not so easy in practice.

The SD Governor seems to overlook that entire sectors of the economy are impacted by federal rules, not just individual companies.  Hotel workers, restaurants, cooks and cleaners, mechanics, service industry writ large, are subject to forced business owner compliance with regulatory agencies.  When the federal government initiates a mandate, all businesses within that sector are hit with the mandate.  Switching jobs offers no security or escape from the mandate. more

35 Comments on Gov Kristi Noem Says If You Don’t Like Vaccination Mandates, Just Quit Your Job

  1. Ann Bernhardt nails It in one short paragraph. It really is uncanny: This is so close to what I told my boss when she ask me if I was ever going to take that vaccination.

    “The reason why so many DeathJabbed people are pushy and adamant about you getting the DeathJab too, is because deep-down they fear that they made a stupid mistake and don’t want to be alone with their freely-chosen error. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable and enraging to them that you made the right choice and they did not. They followed “the scientism”. You HAVE to be wrong. Even if you are right, you MUST be DeathJabbed too so that everyone suffers equally.”

  2. “When the federal government initiates a mandate, all businesses within that sector are hit with the mandate.”

    Or, the governor can “man up” and invoke Nullification;

    This trigger should have been pulled long ago, time to do it now. Mandating the jab is textbook governmental over reach.

    “The federal government involves itself in almost every aspect of life, but depends on state assistance to do almost everything. If states refuse to help, it becomes nearly impossible for the feds to enforce their laws or implement their programs.”

    The blue states gave us a roadmap for nullification with their sanctuary cities polices. It is time to render any federal jab mandate as null and void, unenforceable, declared moot.

  3. “…Setting aside the reality that forced mandates for vaccination put the most vulnerable employee demographics in a position of agreeing to the jab or potentially losing the roof over their head; what MAGA voters understand better than the elites that fly above them…”

    She has exposed herself as an oligarch elitist – shame, she had so much potential.

  4. In most cases, the jab was not in any way part of the original employment contract. The employer is changing the terms in a way that should be unconstitutional.

  5. I noticed years ago how the government pressures business people to enforce the laws handed down by government, most recently with mask mandates.

    Simply because the government KNOWS they don’t have the manpower to enforce such ‘laws’, mandates, coercions etc.

  6. I do not agree!

    I don’t know your labour laws down there, but adding a vaccination mandate can be considered changing the terms of employment. Termination by the employer, DUE TO A CHANGE IN THEIR TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT means SEVERANCE, A LETTER of RECOMMENDATION, and possibly LAWSUIT.


    Furthermore, who are they going to hire, One of those kids that has been sitting on the couch 2 years before Covid-1984 waiting for the Coach to tap him on the shoulder for $100,000?

    Don’t Quite until you got more & better lined up and ready to go!

    Cheers friends.

  7. I don’t think she recommending you quit, only that it is a possibility.
    Self employed most of my life, but I never failed to find a job when I wanted one. Were they always what I wanted, no, but I had a job.
    To many have gotten use to sitting on their fat ass and doing nothing for the past year. They won’t go back to work until they’re completely destitute. Some have found ways to leach off someone else.
    While I was on the City council, I was amazed at the ways people found to get their bills paid. A different charity every month.
    A friend of mine works for J&B Meat Group, they were offering $30hr to work on weekends, all 3 shifts.
    All of this is contributing to our inflation, which is what the Dems want.
    Do you really think there was a shortage of chips in the car industry?
    Or just a ploy to drive inflation. Same with building materials, more BS.

  8. As Rush used to say, “They always eventually tell you who the are.” or words to that effect.

    Well, Kristi, thank you for telling us who you really are. Now take your consolation prize and get a job in the private sector. Oh, and go jab yourself.

  9. She is correct! Why be a slave when you can be free?
    Just “John Gault” the companies that own your body. Go where you are welcome. I do not let masked people on my property. All the delivery drivers and contractors know not to wear a mask around me.

  10. Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
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    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
    Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt

  11. Well you can find another job until all businesses fall in line under government pressure to mandate the jab.

    This is two strikes now I know of against her, the first refusing to protect women’s sports.

    It never takes them long to show their true colors.

    We have something similar going on here now. The Republican chairman, a grassroots chairman the establishment really don’t like, they tried to get him removed. They failed, but they did succeed in preventing the party from censoring Lameford and Inhoffe. The LT. Governor along with other establishment POS just came after him because he made a FB post encouraging the LT Governor to call a special session since Stitt is out of the country. He put a picture of the star of David on the post. So he was so out of line, diminishing the Holocaust, blah..blah… He was pointing out that they’re talking no working, buying, traveling without a vaccine passport, the same as they did to the Jews before they started killing them, because that is what communists do and Democrats are communist along with many of the establishment Republicans.
    I guess the good thing is even in this state they can’t keep from showing their true colors so we’re being able to identify them. Hell probably still a good 30% of them are ex-democrats who only switched parties because they can’t get elected as a democrat in this state. Another close to 20% are you’re run of the mill RINOS.

  12. Speaking of the jab, another story I was told tonight. A local business owner and his wife took the 2 jabs all because they wanted to go on vacation to Mexico. 1 week after they got their second one their toddler son started having seizures, the ambulance had to stop in route to the hospital because he quit breathing and called in Life Flight, they got him to breathing again and finally got the seizures to stop but he stayed in a coma for several hours. The hospital ran several tests and could not find a reason.
    They were told by two other people the same thing happened to their child, all of them only had one thing in common, they all had gotten the 2nd vaccine within 2 weeks of the incidents.

    Yes, I know there is no proof, but why are perfectly healthy kids, with no illnesses, never had seizures, suddenly having seizures after their parents get jabbed? Then the doctors telling them they can’t find a medical reason, but to just be on the safe side they’re going to put them on seizure medication.

  13. It’s hard to replace you in this labor market and your company knows this. I can go somewhere else now. On the other hand If they don’t go along with a mandate fines and shut down follow. Where do they go to start over with what’s left over?
    They can’t force you, you have a choice it just sucks. The only thing that stops this is mass pushback. It’s a set up.

  14. Politicians just keep getting stupider by the day.
    They appear to be in WAY over their heads because if they had enough sense they would not say stupid shit like this.

    We are being herded toward a big, violent ‘dust-up’ and they either don’t have an f-ing clue or they are in on the planning of such.

  15. Trannies & Mandates!!! At least we learned the true Kristi b4 ’24. Two massive career killers in little time.
    She goes on the Haley list, sadly.

  16. I think I understand what she meant, but she said it in a stupid way. Now she looks like someone sitting in the middle of the road who has just doused themselves with gasoline. Dumb, Kristi, just plain dumb.


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