Hello. I’m A Truck – IOTW Report

Hello. I’m A Truck


American Thinker: Biden’s past lies resurfaced this week.

By James A. Nollet

Some of President Biden’s many past lies caught up to him this week.

Biden himself got it all rolling with his false claim on July 28 that at one time he drove a tractor-trailer.  The following day, Fox News and Tucker Carlson in particular developed that story and found several clips of Biden in February 2020 falsely claiming he’d gone to South Africa to meet Nelson Mandela and get himself arrested on Mandela’s behalf, who was in jail at the time — for terrorist activities.

Tucker aired these following three clips:

1:02 — This lie was stated in February 2020 in South Carolina before the SC Primary. … “I had the great honor of being arrested with our UN Ambassador, ah on the streets of Soweto, trying to get to see him, on Robben’s Island.”…

1:09 — This one also is from February 2020. … “One of fo fun saintly guys, I ever knew, because I got arrested trying to see him, when I went down to South Africa.  Nelson Mandela.” …

1:17 — This one’s also from February 2020, and was originally aired on C-Span. … “I came back from S-South Africa, trying to see Nelson Mandela, and getting arrested for trying to see him on Robben’s Island t’geh t’geh he was in prison.” …

Several hours before Tucker’s show aired, the Fox News program Outnumbered aired.  At the 33:56 mark of this clip, co-host Emily Compagno noted, “What too is so ridiculous is to me, you know, when he, that wh- whole South Africa commentary that he made; I lived there for a little while, and the thought — first of all, it’s “Robben Island,” not “Robben’s Island,” as he called it; Soweto is almost 800 miles as well, from Robben Island.”

I hadn’t realized that.  I’d known that Biden had made this false claim in 2020, but it never occurred to me fact-check whether Robben Island is adjacent to Soweto.  At the time, I figured, saying “Robben Island” is like saying “Riker’s Island,” and it’s really easy to drive to Riker’s Island from anywhere in New York City. more

h/t Howie Carr

10 Comments on Hello. I’m A Truck

  1. He has a long track record of lying – assuming that plagiarism is a type of lie.
    For some reason liberals think that lying totalitarians are cute: Bill Clinton, H. Clinton, B. Obola, M. Obola, Joey Biden, Jill Biden, Adam Schitt, Mad Max Waters, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Babs Boxer, Andy Cuomo, Gretchen Whitmer, and a host of others.

    They KNOW that the Republic CANNOT function on lies – therefore they embrace the lie – just as did the National Socialists and the Inter-National Socialists.

    izlamo delenda est …


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