It’s Unethical to Force People to Get Vaccine as Efficacy Wanes, California Doctor Says – IOTW Report

It’s Unethical to Force People to Get Vaccine as Efficacy Wanes, California Doctor Says

California Globe-

The Globe has interviewed many practicing physicians over the last 17 months since California Gov. Gavin Newsom first locked the state down, ostensibly because of the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The common thread in the information the physicians have shared is not only the distrust in the flawed PCR COVID tests which provided millions of false positive tests, but also their questions about why hospitals were not allowing them to treat COVID patients with therapeutic medicines.

A recent lawsuit (below) filed by Dr. Michael deBoisblanc covers these very issues. Michael deBoisblanc, M.D., was the Medical Director for the only trauma center in Contra Costa County, which was operated – profitably — by John Muir Health. Dr. deBoisblanc raised concerns and complaints about the wisdom and bases for the County’s continuing lockdown order, the lawsuit says. The Globe reported on Dr. deBoisblanc’s requests to John Muir Hospital.

The lawsuit explains:

14 Comments on It’s Unethical to Force People to Get Vaccine as Efficacy Wanes, California Doctor Says

  1. In my short life span on this planet – over 70 years, I can honestly say that this has put the final nail in the coffin for me in the health care system. IMHO, it should be called the Death care system. Your health care is left in the hands of people who do not care whether you live or die. As long as you have that understanding of the new death care system, don’t act surprised when true health care isn’t in the works. People I know who got the jab so they wouldn’t have to wear a mask, are livid that they’ve been duped. I know I’d be freaking out not over the mask, but what the jab is doing to my body! WTF! Watch the graphene that’s been removed from a jab and how it moves around on its own when removed and placed under a microscope. This isn’t the first I’ve heard of this. Gives me the creeps.

  2. …it’s unethical to use fear of a seasonal flu to scare people into allowing you to steal an election after forcing the death count up by denying the use of safe, effective, and cheap cures that are readily available while putting known infected people into elderly filled nursing homes too, but they sure as fuck didn’t shy away from helping with THAT now, DID they!?

    …because Orange Man Bad>Hippocratic Oath.

  3. Case in point: My BIL is having severe back problems. MRI discovered a cyst on his spine. Went to the doctor in San Animation, TX. He’s a smoker and not jabbed. Doctor asked him if he had the jab – NO! Doctor freaked told him he can’t help him unless he’s vaxxed. He’s also a smoker. Doctor told him “you’re 70 years old, don’t bend over, don’t reach for things too far. There’s no further treatment – come back in 18 months. He waited 6 months for this appt. So, there’s the ethical things going on – nonethical. Go home and be in pain.

    DH has a case of shingles, we’re taking care of it ourselves.

  4. Ethics has left the building long ago.

    We’re dealing with straight up evil.

    @Goldenfoxx – I’m not so sure about all that graphene talk. The more I try to rationalize it in my brain the less it makes sense. But I can’t rule it out entirely so it’s nice to know about, but don’t think I’ll be acting on that information right now without more concrete information. If you try to explain that to someone they will for sure call you a nutjob.

  5. 70% have decided to get the vax, leaves 30% who are firmly against.
    As the delta strains moves along will see who out lasts who.
    Good luck out there, red states being hit hard & it’s not the unvaxed entering hospitals.

  6. Goldenfox that is my greatest fear that they will refuse to treat you. Right now they’re all telling my husband no vaccine of any kind, but how long will that last before all cancer centers say it doesn’t matter if it kills you, the bosses say do it.

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