Realtor groups sue Biden administration, CDC over new eviction moratorium – IOTW Report

Realtor groups sue Biden administration, CDC over new eviction moratorium


A coalition of housing groups led by the Alabama Association of Realtors on Thursday filed a lawsuit in federal court in Washington, D.C., challenging the latest eviction moratorium, calling the Biden administration’s action “nakedly political” and “unlawful.” 

“[T]he CDC caved to the political pressure by extending the moratorium, without providing any legal basis,” the emergency motion says. “In substance and effect, the CDC’s latest action is an extension of the same unlawful ban on evictions that has been in effect since September 2020.”

“Justice Kavanaugh’s controlling opinion was clear that the CDC could not extend the moratorium past July 31 absent ‘clear and specific congressional authorization (via new legislation),'” the real estate groups also said. “This Court has already concluded that the CDC lacks authority to issue or extend an eviction moratorium.”

The lawsuit comes after President Biden initially balked at extending the eviction moratorium on his own. He cited an opinion by Justice Brett Kavanaugh from June saying any further extensions of the moratorium would have to be done by Congress.  read more

21 Comments on Realtor groups sue Biden administration, CDC over new eviction moratorium

  1. I don’t know how any of this judgy stuff works, but isn’t John Roberts the Chief Justice? I mean, Kavanaugh’s toothless ruling is great as far as window dressing goes, but why is Roberts the dog that isn’t barking?

  2. Where is the judge who just ruled the eviction moratorium illegal. Why isn’t he hauling the CDC leadership heads into court and charging them???

  3. Biden should be impeached he violated the Constitution on purpose and he said it isn’t constitutional for me to extend the eviction moratorium so I’m going to have the CDC do it and let the law suits fly but this buys us time.

  4. In the grand economic scheme of things, this a small factor to add upon the cataclysmic disaster headed our way.

    This administration has set us up for a gigantic economic collapse, the likes of which not yet seen.

    Name ONE thing done since inauguration that will bode well for solid growth going forward.

    Anyone? Bueller?

    And, of course, the “press”? Crickets.

  5. Fritz the Cat
    “Name ONE thing done since inauguration that will bode well for solid growth going forward.”
    If you happen to be a Democrat, Socialist, Pedophile, China Worshiper, then everything is good.
    If you happen to be a working, tax paying, AMERICAN, then not so much.

  6. The government has absolutely no business whatsoever interfering with a private contract.

    If politicians want to use their own money to pay other people’s rent or put them up in their own homes, I don’t have any problem with that, but anything else is not legitimate.

    One concern I have that no one is talking about is that these actions are likely to inspire someone who would make it their mission to make Tim McVeigh look like a girl scout in comparison. Creating a large pool of people who feel they have nothing left to lose and have lost everything through no fault of their own isn’t smart, it isn’t even prudent.

    Tim McVeigh was a fairly average guy with a monumental chip on his shoulder who was driven by righteous indignation. The fact that a majority of people polled believe that land lords are being screwed will validate the righteousness of the mission in the mind of many, many people who are hell bent on revenge. Statistical probability practically guarantees that one or more are currently plotting their revenge. There are literally, yes literally, millions of small investors in residential rental real estate who are facing personal bankruptcy over this. I am not one of them, but I hear the calls that come into talk radio and people who have taken steps and made sacrifices are absolutely beside themselves over what is happening to themselves and what is happening to their families.

  7. Who’s going to stop them. They don’t care. Just listen to what Maxi Pad said. There’s no one to enforce the SCOTUS ruling. And no one to kick this regime out of office when they decide they are not leaving.

  8. Sandy
    Go back to your cave syndrome and let CNN, NBC, MSNBC, tell yopu what to think.
    This forum is for people that know the truth as not told by FAKE NEWS.
    And YES, TRUMP started the ball rolling.
    If you profess to be a Democrat, that means your OK with the thousand of children at the border being raped and sodomized. Your OK with the Billions of dollars the cartel is making trafficking drugs and human beings.
    And you know the Democrats are making money on the deal, or they would make it STOP.

  9. We sold our investment property for several reasons. This rent waiver crap was a big one. Our property manager was our real estate agent and more and more of his owners were getting out. He has several owners who had renters not paying their rent through the whole Covid “crisis” even though the renters worked at Microsoft and Amazon and could afford to pay. Our disasters tenants left 30K worth of damage and didn’t pay their last 2 months of rent…but they moved out so we could sell. That was a blessing. I can’t talk about this anymore or my blood pressure will go up.

    We sold to a Chinese couple. Maybe they were Black Rock. Who knows.

  10. It’s OK for the Cartel to make $BILLIONS, but if you drive back and forth to work, they’re going to TAX you out of car.
    Then out of your house with the green new deal. All homes will have meet energy requirement, comply or pay a tax. Just like Obamacare. When you can’t comply, they will buy you out @ 10%.
    A true socialist country, you can’t own anything and must be total dependent on the Government.
    Remember that when your standing in the food line and burning money to stay warm, because it’s worthless!!!!!!

  11. Cmn¢¢guy, correct. We are on the right path for a Soros-induced socialist government.

    Capitalism? We’re fucked, unless we take the Congress back and impeach 46.

  12. Gee, will that fucking moron Kavanaugh vote to keep it again under the stupid ass reasoning that it’s “going away soon”, as if anyone could ever trust the fucking democrats to stick to their word on a goddamn thing? What an asshole. Kavanaugh is going full Roberts now.

  13. If you want scary, it’s only been 198 days of country crushing legislation.
    Completely +, erasing the previous 4 years.
    Energy independence – GONE.
    Lowest unemployment – GONE.
    Lowest number of people on welfare – GONE.
    Honest fair elections – GONE.
    Government by the people – GONE.
    1st Amendment – GOING.
    2nd Amendment – GOING.

  14. Cloward-Piven here we come, once the SHTF, they can really whip out the iron CCP style boots. $15 an hour minimum wage? They will be lucky to get a bowl of rice after working 15 hour day.

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