Moderna and Pfizer Intentionally Lost The Clinical Trial Control Group Testing Vaccine Efficacy and Safety – IOTW Report

Moderna and Pfizer Intentionally Lost The Clinical Trial Control Group Testing Vaccine Efficacy and Safety

Conservative Treehouse:

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccine tests were conducted, as customary, with a control group; a group within the trial who were given a placebo and not the test vaccine.  However, during the trial -and after the untested vaccines were given emergency use authorization- the vaccine companies conducting the trial decided to break protocol and notify the control group they were not vaccinated.  Almost all the control group were then given the vaccine.

Purposefully dissolving the placebo group violates the scientific purpose to test whether the vaccine has any efficacy; any actual benefit and/or safety issues.  Without a control group there is nothing to compare the vaccinated group against.  According to NPR, the doctors lost the control group in the Johnson County Clinicial Trial (Lexena, Kansas) on purpose: MORE

18 Comments on Moderna and Pfizer Intentionally Lost The Clinical Trial Control Group Testing Vaccine Efficacy and Safety

  1. Well now, isn’t that convenient?
    Funny how losing things exonerates, isn’t it? HR Clinton’s server, Huma’s telephone, Hunter’s laptop – though it only seems to work when the American People are being fucked.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Well isn’t that interesting…

    No base control group for the FDA to base an efficacy decision on.

    Yet all the talk in the District of Communism are ways of forcing mandates, including mandates for the military and federal workforces

    Also federal financial blackmail of private businesses to force jabs on their employees without FDA approval.

    Guess it can never be FDA approved now and we won’t know anything about the poison jab till Elwood drops dead.

    Poor Elwood, gonna miss all you NSA trolls.

  3. Elwood, it’s one thing to pay lip-service to the jab. It’s an entirely different thing to force people to get jabbed. Lots of people I respect say everyone should choose to get the jab. And I ignore them, as is my right. Call me when President Trump makes a statement in support of jab mandates.

    And try not to be such an over-the-top troll. You might have gotten a thumbs-up or two if you’d ditched the potty mouth.

  4. It may be SOP for testing as typically tests have define beginning and end dates. Once the study period is over the test subjects go on with their lives. Since this was a “pandemic” the study period would be short.

    They do lose the information about long term benefit, if any.

    But it was never about science anyway.

  5. It looks like Brandon Smith at Alt-Market called it over a week ago. Eliminate the control group, and you eliminate any evidence that the vaccine was, at best, a failure or, at worst, a harmful experiment.

  6. The 2019 SPARS document had a section on vaccine injuries and it said no claims were ever paid out because of the lack of data from the vaccine studies. All planned. This happened last February and I heard so called conservatives applauding getting everyone in the control group vaxxed at that time.

  7. Anonymous #1, I’m watching that link and my hair is on fire! WTF. The Globalists are trying to kill the plebs for MONEY!! and that guy has all the receipts. We all suspected this and perhaps knew in our hearts that this was the case, but this just puts to words the facts of that intent. I am blown away.

    I bet every MF Politician that got the shot on TV, was given a placebo, and NOT the real deal. (Except for Trump, because they HATE HIM and want to kill him) There’s NO WAY the elites would allow themselves to be experimented on with this nonsense. People should be rising up against this BS.

  8. All I can say is if you got the jab, you’re screwed. If you get the jab you’re screwed. Gee, what choices do you have left? Only 1 choice – NO! Get in line for free stuff, and get caught holding the bag. Whadda deal! Again, what could be more excruciating than waking up every day wondering if you’re going to die, get sick, or live another day to relive the bad feeling of despair. Telling yourself “I did it for my own good and for the good of others!” The left will make you angry at those who were smart and refused to listen to people you thought were trustworthy. Double whammy! It’s like waiting to be executed!

  9. Yes, I agree. Don’t get the shot. The whole idea that they are STILL inventing hysteria with their ‘Delta Variant’, or ‘Lambda’… and anything else they can concoct by merely reading a RNA sequence from any various point and then stopping to create something unique is FN outrageous. It is NOT ‘novel’ it’s just a sequence from the original strand. And then they’ll give you another shot!

    And the MEDIA hypes it as a FACT without any investigation.


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