It’s America’s fault Kamala’s not popular – IOTW Report

It’s America’s fault Kamala’s not popular

Poor Kammy, it’s everyone else’s fault she’s a unlikeable, corrupt, stank tramp.

Neon Nettle: Kamala Harris Blames Unpopularity on Americans Not Getting Her ‘Depth & Thought’
Democrat Kamala Harris has blamed her soaring unpopularity on Americans being too fixated on “sound bites” because they don’t really understand her “depth and thought.”

Harris blasted her negative press coverage during remarks she made for a Thursday article in The Atlantic.

The article describes Harris as the likely successor to Joe Biden, who may decide not to run again in 2024.

Harris’s biggest problem is her approval rating, which sits at 45% – seven points lower than Biden’s.

Democrats are questioning Harris’s ability to defeat President Donald Trump or any of the other Republicans who may run in the next election. more

46 Comments on It’s America’s fault Kamala’s not popular

  1. The unwashed masses are too fixated on sound bites. Who is it that popularized that technique?

    Does anyone else think Kamala Ding Dong is starting to channel Hillary? “It’s Mine! Give it to me”

  2. “Harris’s biggest problem is her approval rating, which sits at 45% – seven points lower than Biden’s.”

    No worries, we’ll fix that when the time comes, if that’s what Mr. Soros says to do.

  3. How could her approval be at 45% when during the primaries democrats sent a clear message when she polled, at her peak, 15%? Apparently her position suddenly makes her more likable. No matter what position she twisted herself in as she sprawled across the sofa my opinion of her wouldn’t increase. Bunch of bootlickers.

  4. …so I guess we’ve just let go of that whole “Natural Born Citizen” thing with both hands for POCs then, fine, abuse me and ignore me, I’m pretty used to it by now, especially the part where some guy keeps saying no one has any “standing” to help me even though they COULD stand up with RIFLES like the guys who WROTE me and wrote that IN me did, just saying…

  5. Anonymous
    AUGUST 7, 2021 AT 11:09 AM
    “just not a fan of cheap ass whores…”

    I’ll have you know I’m a very EXPENSIVE ass whore *cackle”* and guys don’t get in MY mouth unless they have a high political OFFICE with a REALLY big desk for me to go down under *cackle*.

    I put guys in prison all the time in CA, and I’ll get YOU too when I’m your ruler, you’ll *cackle cackle* see!

  6. Yeah, I get it – she’s so cerebral that the commoners can’t understand her.
    She reads Kant, Einstein, and Schopenhauer in her spare time (between cackling).
    She quotes Goethe (in German) to the low-brows she addresses.
    Speaks Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, German, French, Mandarin, Farsi, Japanese, and Italian – simultaneously.

    What a fukkin puke.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I knew the Dirty Dems weren’t exactly happy with her from the beginning.
    If they were they’d still be carrying on about the first female VP but they barely mentioned it at the start of Obiden’s term and don’t mention it at all now.
    They know she skanked her way into office and they don’t want to bring attention to it.

  8. “Harris’s biggest problem is her approval rating, which sits at 45% – seven points lower than Biden’s.”
    If they are polling that high the must be a percentage error of 90%.
    Or 100% of those polled are just STUPID.

  9. I don’t know what everyone’s getting twisted about, it’s for ME to pick the next president, not any “vote”, so all your talk about polls and such is just culture lag…

  10. grool AUGUST 7, 2021 AT 1:19 PM
    “Wonder if she smells like Obama’s campaign bus did.

    probably less ass smell, but more semen, and not as likely to be slippery with KY Jelly either because that’s not a “mouth” thing…

  11. I kind of had her in mind when I wrote this, read the words, you can kinda tell, and the dumb bitch still thinks its a compliment!

    “She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes

    And she can ruin your faith with her casual lies

    And she only reveals what she wants you to see

    She hides like a child but she’s always a woman to me

    She can lead you to love, she can take you or leave you

    She can ask for the truth but she’ll never believe you

    And she’ll take what you give her as long as it’s free

    Yeah she steals like a thief but she’s always a woman to me

    Oh, she takes care of herself, she can wait if she wants
    She’s ahead of her time
    Oh, and she never gives out and she never gives in
    She just changes her mind”

  12. She would actually make a credible argument that being placed as VP because of her sex and her race alone puts legitimate respect for her OFF THE TABLE.
    Unaddressed allegations of slutty behavior alongside Affirmative Action cripple her entire ‘career’s’ credibility.

    That and
    her stupid laugh, often deployed at inappropriate times,
    non-existent resume,
    accepting a position backing biden after she charged to be RAYCISS,
    talking at length about her canvas sneakers (really?),
    drawing a salary as VP despite dodging all controversies and responsibilities.

    In the private sector, she wouldn’t make it through hiring probation. And claiming she was axed because female/black wouldn’t cut it, unlike in grubermint.

  13. Kammy – in the immortal words of John Lennon: “One thing you can’t hide, is when you’re crippled inside.”

    Take it to heart, honey – nobody likes you – guys just enjoy having their dicks sucked – you ever notice that they balance their pizza and beer on your head?

    izlamo delenda est …


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