An Age of Cowards – IOTW Report

An Age of Cowards

Why an Obsession with Safety creates Sick Minds and a Sick Society.

9 Comments on An Age of Cowards

  1. “And you all know, security
    Is mortals’ chiefest enemy”
    (Shakespeare, “MacBeth,” Act III, Scene 5)

    And we fall for the same old shit every time.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. People would stop being so damned scared if they believed in God. It’s liberals in the media and academia driving the fear. Fear conquers these silly liberals and takes away their joy of life. And the effect of their fears ruins life for the rest of us because they turn their fears into public policy.

    They are mostly terrified of dying. Death is part of God’s plan. Why worry?

    That’s not to say I want to die anytime soon. I don’t, but I am aware it could come at any time, so why lose sleep over it.

  3. Terribly funny in a way. I wonder how they would (or will?) feel when those of us who didn’t give up our guns and go compliantly into that good night are waving “buh bye” to them as they compliantly board the trains for the camps on the orders of “Because the gov’t said so.”?

    As is quoted of Zapata (maybe): It’s better to live on your feet than die on your knees.

  4. Well, it’s not ALL safety. What’s the safety in defunding police, decriminalizing drugs, a country without borders, and immunizing an entire population with a poison concoction?

  5. You can’t live in fear.

    I had a kid arrest on me at work. No pulse, no breathing. Needed CPR.

    You can do compressions only, but you need rescue breathing to give the best chance.

    Dumbass me left my rescue mask in my car. No time to get it.

    I did what I had to do.

    If I did anything less than everything I could, I wouldnt be able to face God.

    And I fear Him WAY more than any Democrat FakeFlu on a short temporal timeline.

    Yeah, there’s lots of other bugs. I am fully aware of them. Doesn’t matter, God has seen me through bigger idiocity than that, for worse reasons. In HIM I trust.

    And there’s nothing the Democrats can do to shake me from it.

    Worst case, I get to see Him in glory sooner. That’s it. Given the choice between that, and watching Communists run the Country further off the rails through their pedophile mouthpiece, I’m not sure that wouldnt be for the best.

    They can ONLY keep you in fear if they can make you believe that this is all there IS, and that everything good can be received only from THEM.

    If you believe on the Lord, however, all they can do is threaten you with Heaven.

    …and THAT changes EVERYTHING…

  6. Elwood, don’t knock screwtube-a lot of people have learned how to build guns that no .gov knows about from info gleaned on it.
    And a lot of other good stuff too.
    Discrimination is the key

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