Illegal invaders loaded onto luxury coaches sponsored by Catholic Charities – IOTW Report

Illegal invaders loaded onto luxury coaches sponsored by Catholic Charities

Tuesday was the first night that luxury coach buses pulled in to pick up hundreds of migrants released by Border Patrol hours earlier. The buses were headed to Houston. WATCH

15 Comments on Illegal invaders loaded onto luxury coaches sponsored by Catholic Charities

  1. Too bad these non-thinkers may be blindly killing their neighbors with Covid-19 and helping killers and child abusers slip into America. Send money if you want to help but don’t be destroying others around you.

  2. DavidW,
    If that’s the case, then what’s all the Libtard whoopla about “separation of church and state”?

  3. Of course Catholic “Charities” is using taxpayer money. Sundance did a thorough dive during obama’s “migration program” into how these “faith based” orgs make billions annually trafficking humans.

    Pfffft, you think the Catholic Church is gonna use their own money? Intersession, Sisters of the Immaculate Order, get out of purgatory fees, special Mass requests and the other fees they collect is only pocket change in comparison.

  4. Just recently, twice a week, beginning at approximately 3:15am, a plane flies over our house headed north. Shortly after, a second plane goes over. They do not sound like regular airplanes – they sound like military planes. We are near Fallon Naval Base and know when they are doing maneuvers and this is not practice…so those of us in the neighborhood figure they are transporting/dumping illegals toward Montana and the border.

  5. It is virtually impossible for a white, educated, self supporting, law abiding person to enter the US and have a pathway to become a US citizen. The Democrat Party is uber-racist.

  6. The rich Catholics need landscapers and roofers and pool boys and drywallers and painters and lawnmowers and field workers.and Americans don’t want to do hard physical labor anymore so there you go.

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