Cholesterol drug could reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection by up to 70 per cent, reveals study – IOTW Report

Cholesterol drug could reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection by up to 70 per cent, reveals study

EurekAlert: A licensed drug normally used to treat abnormal levels of fatty substances in the blood could reduce infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus by up to 70 per cent, reveals a study in the laboratory by an international collaboration of researchers.

The research team, led by the University of Birmingham and Keele University in the UK and the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Italy, has demonstrated that fenofibrate and its active form (fenofibric acid) can significantly reduce SARS-COV-2 infection in human cells in the laboratory.  Importantly, reduction of infection was obtained using concentrations of the drug which are safe and achievable using the standard clinical dose of fenofibrate.  Fenofibrate, which is approved for use by most countries in the world including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), is an oral drug currently used to treat conditions such as high levels of cholesterol and  lipids (fatty substances) in the blood.

The team is now calling for clinical trials to test the drug in hospitalised COVID-19 patients, to be carried out in addition to two clinical trials also currently underway in such patients in research being led by the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in the US and Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. more

21 Comments on Cholesterol drug could reduce SARS-CoV-2 infection by up to 70 per cent, reveals study

  1. I saw this last week and showed it to my son-in-law oncologist. He did a little research and said the current studies show there is little merit to it but still might possibly show Merrit. You have to take these articles sceptically

    Not the other hand. There’s a ton of credible looking articles that say Ivermectin is ineffective and both the who and CDC say that yet huge studies show it is 85 to 95 percent effective

  2. Three studies involving 738 participants evaluated ivermectin for COVID-19 prophylaxis among health care workers and COVID-19 contacts. Meta-analysis of these 3 trials, assessing 738 participants, found that ivermectin prophylaxis among health care workers and COVID-19 contacts probably reduces the risk of COVID-19 infection by an average of 86% (79%–91%) (3 trials, 738 participants; aRR 0.14, 95% CI 0.09–0.21; 5.0% vs. 29.6% contracted COVID-19, respectively; low-certainty evidence; downgraded due to study design limitations and few included trials) (Figure 15). In 2 trials involving 538 participants, no severe adverse events were recorded (SoF Table 4).

  3. IMO Covid is rapidly mutating down to the point that HCQ and Ivermectin will be massive overkill in treating covid, and vinegar and honey and aspirin will suffice. The pandemic scammers are trying desperately to hide that while they push their poison in hopes of achieving herd thinning—I mean, herd immunity.

  4. 2k mg of Omega-3 oil per day crushed my cholesterol by 30pts. in 6 months without statin drugs.
    Since I haven’t contracted kungflu, does fish oil work against it too?

  5. Ecp I clicked on most of the links that were in English and the articles seem to be filled with warning s from the who and cdc so it’s tough to dig down through the propaganda

  6. I have been on fenofibrate for several years and was told about the possible positive side effect about four months ago by an Israeli doctor friend.

    If the Israelis suggest it I ain’t doubting them because they are the cutting edge of medicine in the world. It’s partially why I will go to jail before the jab.

  7. Drilling down into “ivermectin” and found “stomectol”, which lead me to NEEM Extract (leaves). Seems readily available online. Anyone use this NEEM supplement? Just curious since it has almost the same properties as ivermectin and was thinking of getting a bottle to keep on hand.

  8. Stations are nasty and I hate taking it. I been to the mat with family Doc and cardiologist many times. I resist their desire to increase dose and/or change meds.

    Neither can assure me that the little piece of bacon or sausage is going to kill me any faster than my other issues.😁

  9. This drug just might have promise, as long as president Trump doesn’t mention it. If he does, that will be the kiss of death, and it will be banned and thousands will die, just to keep him from “winning”.

  10. TX has 28.70 million in population as of last census.
    Total covid cases 3,227,480.
    Total deaths attributed to covid: 53,788
    A little math revealed these figures:
    Total covid cases:11.24% of total pop.
    Deaths attributed to covid: 1.6665 %.
    In a commie’s wet dream.


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