Julie Kelly rips Weepy Capitol Police Officer Michael Fanone – IOTW Report

Julie Kelly rips Weepy Capitol Police Officer Michael Fanone

American Thinker:
 Andrea Widburg

Julie Kelly used Twitter to launch a full-on assault against Michael Fanone, one of the weeping Capitol Hill police officers who showed up for the House’s show trial last week.  According to Kelly’s sharp and amusing exposé, Fanone is a “crisis actor,” who gets away with it because the DOJ and Capitol Police are hiding massive amounts of evidence from January 6.

Kelly doesn’t just insult Fanone; she brings evidence to back her disdain for the man:

15 Comments on Julie Kelly rips Weepy Capitol Police Officer Michael Fanone

  1. Why is he broke? He is still getting paid, what expenses does he have now that he didn’t have before Jan 6th?

    My guess is that he is working on a disability retirement. Here in California Workman’s Comp lawyers are a dime a dozen, all have medical hacks on retainer that will write whatever you want them to write ,”Michael Fanone is suffering from PTSD as a result of Jan. 6th. He can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t participate in conjugal relations with his wife, suffers nightmares, losing/gaining weight, blurred vision, loss of taste and smell,has suicidal tendencies, is irritable all the time and can’t relate with his wife and kids”.

    A higher disability rating is the best, if you retire at a 90% rating, you get 90% of your pension tax free.

  2. Grown-up policemen, like soldiers, should always be stoic, at least in public.

    Crying is giving into emotions. I say stifle it till you get home at least, then do your grief in private if you must. We don’t want crybabies in public.

    In this regard, let us be like the ancient Romans – embrace the manly virtues and be stoic.

  3. Cell-u-rhoid Heroes

    Everybody’s a dreamer and everybody’s a star
    And everybody’s in movies, it doesn’t matter who you are
    There are starts in every city
    In every house and on every phone.

  4. Reminds me of movie Rules of Engagement when they try to frame a soldier. Their were tapes of proof of exoneration but were destroyed by the state department.

    So they keep saying they have all this video evidence well time to shut up and prove it by showing us those tapes.

  5. @Rich

    “Also, does anybody else find it odd that so many of the DC police on scene that day are committing suicide?”

    Yes, at this point, it’s hard for me to believe it’s random suicides.

    There was a news story a couple of days ago about the PR nationalists shooting 4 people while congress was in session in 1954. That could serve as a something comparable. I have not dug into it to see how many capital policemen committed suicide after that event, but I will try to find out.

    I am guessing zero.

  6. What a F**king Cunt he is. In Vietnam I was scare all the time…all of us were, our greatest fear is losing your best friend/brother, but the only time I ever cried is when I had to load my fallen brothers on a medivac knowing they gave all.

    ASSHOLES like him are lower that worm shit!


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