NBC Forced to Give Advertisers Free Airtime after Awful Ratings from ‘Woke’ Olympics – IOTW Report

NBC Forced to Give Advertisers Free Airtime after Awful Ratings from ‘Woke’ Olympics

Neon Nettle:

Establishment network NBC is giving advertisers who purchased airtime during the Tokyo Olympics free commercials due to abysmal ratings of this year’s Olympic Games.

The rating tanked when woke athletes protesting the U.S. flag and national anthem saw a massive backlash from viewers who decided to switch off.

NBC Sports Chairman Pete Bevacqua claimed the network would still make money but did not give any further details.

NBC’s primetime coverage of the Tokyo Olympics averaged 14.7 million viewers, a 49% drop compared to the equivalent night from the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games and 53% less than the 2012 London Olympics

The opening ceremonies saw the lowest viewership since 1988. more

16 Comments on NBC Forced to Give Advertisers Free Airtime after Awful Ratings from ‘Woke’ Olympics

  1. “Give ’em more ad time”

    We took yer money and we’re not about to give it back, but here’s more ad time.
    Maybe those people who aren’t watching will see them now!!
    (Insert the Nelon “Ha Ha” here)

  2. Bad luck, smad buck. Americans don’t care to watch an obvious dike (who would probably be stoned in another country) and her half wit posse diss the nation. Investing in that train wreak is like investing in covered wagons.

  3. Communist know.

    Communist don’t care.

    They aren’t trying to make money.

    They are making propaganda.

    When they need money, Democrats will just call them “infrastructure” and take it from us to give to them.

    NBC isn’t going anywhere.

    It’s too useful for spreading Newspeak, confusion, and fear.

    …and also making high dollar jobs for Party annointed…

  4. @Anon

    A new Olympic event, held after the Olympics are over: No- Parachute Skydiving off of Tokyo high rises.

    Hideo Hashimoto: My boss say company make only 3 yen from Olympic….can not live more…BANZAI.


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