‘Migrant’ Stabs Priest to Death after Being Released for Burning Down Cathedral – IOTW Report

‘Migrant’ Stabs Priest to Death after Being Released for Burning Down Cathedral

Neon Nettle-

A migrant who confessed to burning down France’s Nantes Cathedral later stabbed a 60-year-old priest to death not long after police released him, reports say.

Emmanuel Abayisenga, 40, from Rwanda, confessed to stabbing Father Olivier Maire to death in Saint-Laurent-sur-Sèvre, south of the city close to where he set the cathedral on fire last year.

President Emmanuel Macron’s interior minister, Gerald Darmanin, said:

“All my support for the Catholics of our country after the dramatic murder of a priest in the Vendee region.” MORE

10 Comments on ‘Migrant’ Stabs Priest to Death after Being Released for Burning Down Cathedral

  1. Less sympathy expression, and more outrage at being nincompoops allowing the animal in your country, and then turning it loose on the country. Country of origin is close enough to nail postage to it’s forehead and “return to sender.”

  2. And, the MSM will keep this on the down and low while the liberal/Marxis/commie/Socialist go about their merry way….continuing the destruction of America.

  3. ” not long after police released him”

    Do the Fuzz in Europe have that discretion? I think not. No matter. Up the food chain is one dumb muther fucker that should suffer the same fate as the Priest, Catch a clue morons. Muslems are third world killers and the Crusades have never really ended.

  4. So this worthless useless eater burned down a 500
    year old church and murdered a man in cold blood.
    Should get him 90 days in jail and then off he goes
    to burn and murder some more! Rwanda? That is about as
    raw and brutal a 3rd world shit hole as any place
    on earth…..

  5. I keep thinking the progressive globalist must have a reason for showing so much love to the very people who would behead them. But always come back to the conclusion they just hate Christians so much they want anyone else but don’t realize Muslims have faith that will allow them to kill you.

  6. If it is true, that in the Afterlife the living will find all those who have lived prior to us,
    just imagine a conversation between all our predecessors who achieved so much and the useless shitbags of today who are willingly reducing everything to nothingness.

    Political correctness, ‘diversity’, ignoring history, ridiculous political beliefs, GREED, theft on epic levels ….. a total absence of integrity.
    this DEFINE our Era.


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