Several Democrats Hit with Recall Notices in California – IOTW Report

Several Democrats Hit with Recall Notices in California

Neon Nettle-

Several Democrats have been hit with recall notices across California, according to reports.

Recall efforts have recently been launched against several high-profile Democrats in California, including the governor, Gavin Newsom.

The district attorneys in Los Angeles County and San Francisco, and at least three elected officials in the City of L.A. are all facing severe backlash from voters.

Now citizens in Huntington Beach, aka Surf City USA, are rising up against Democrat officials there.

According to The Daily Pilot, “a vocal group of conservative Huntington Beach residents [has] decided to take further steps to try to shift the balance of power on the City Council” there.

“The residents have formed a group called ‘Save Surf City,’ with the intention of getting every council member but one off the dais,” the outlet reports. more

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