Federal Judge Considers Blocking Biden’s Extension of Eviction Moratorium – IOTW Report

Federal Judge Considers Blocking Biden’s Extension of Eviction Moratorium


Following the Democrat-run House of Representatives’ failure to extend the moratorium on evictions in the United States, Joe Biden walked back his earlier claim that he lacked the authority to extend the moratorium unanimously.

And now, a federal judge is considering the legality of his order. 

Despite his lack of constitutional authority, Biden caved to progressives and extended the moratorium knowing full well that it would not pass muster if brought to the courts.

On Monday, a federal judge rose up to challenge the Biden administration’s order, suggesting that it is engaging in legal “gamesmanship” to resurrect a pandemic-related eviction ban despite indications from the Supreme Court that the measure, enacted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as an emergency health measure, was unlawful.  more

3 Comments on Federal Judge Considers Blocking Biden’s Extension of Eviction Moratorium

  1. She should have just issued the order instead of announcing she is “considering it”. Cancel culture went into overdrive. Last I heard she is already getting weak in the knees.

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