Seth Keshel Releases Analysis on Five Pennsylvania Counties with Enough Fraudulent Ballots to Flip the State to Trump – IOTW Report

Seth Keshel Releases Analysis on Five Pennsylvania Counties with Enough Fraudulent Ballots to Flip the State to Trump

Gateway Pundit-

In July Steve Bannon invited Professor David K. Clements from New Mexico State University and former Army intelligence captain and former baseball analyst Seth Keshel on The War Room to discuss their latest analysis on the 2020 election.

Seth Keshel dropped a BOMB on the War Room.
According to Seth, President Trump won Pennsylvania by 6-8% in 2020.

Over the weekend the two experts released a more detailed report on the Pennsylvania 2020 election.

Here are their observations.


Biden – 3.458m (50.0%)
Trump – 3.338m (48.8%)

Captain Keshel’s Observations

Even worse than I thought. PA was a slam dunk for Trump, with a 244k -12k (21 to 1 ratio) of net new registration in 4 years. Previously predicted Trump flip in 2016.
Fraud in PA horrific. Only 3 counties I see as relatively clean, with 27 classified with major fraud. 60 of 67 counties should have demonstrated GOP improvement per registration trends, but only 20 trended more GOP. Erie and Northampton were flipped, and should have been slam dunks for Trump.

Trump crushed Obama ’08 total in a shrinking state, only to be passed on strength of what I assess to be 504k excess votes!

Trump margin, if accurate, should have been 52.0% to 46.1% (5.9%), or 424k votes. A bludgeoning in keeping with registration trend. MORE

8 Comments on Seth Keshel Releases Analysis on Five Pennsylvania Counties with Enough Fraudulent Ballots to Flip the State to Trump

  1. “In reality, I’m betting it was 49 state sweep like Reagan over Mondale.”

    Remove Dominion, Smartmatic, et al, from the mix, and you’ll see a sea of red voting districts.

    If you could have honest elections, the Dems would be devastated.

    That’s why they lie like their life depends on it.

    Just Axing AUGUST 10, 2021 AT 2:13 PM

    But but Mitch and Bill said there’s no evidence of fraud. Who you going to believe those 2 or your lying eyes 👀 ?

    May all evidence of fraud come to light. Even theirs.

    “Decertify, no such critter exsit in election laws. Once certified, it can never ever be de/uncertified. Next.”
    So you’re saying we’re down to the ammo box.

  2. @Claudia, I like to see that (what ever you are claiming that might happen). But I don’t think Mike Lindall will have to much to do with, unless he writes states laws. But I can not agree with you about Federal vs state on oversight of elections. Your state, my state, any state can not simply say, oh we changed our mind about voting in the last election, we now want to rewrite history & change our state votes in the last election, not gonna happen. If a state wants to leave the US we all know what that is called.

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