“I Had Other Parties to Go To!” Said Disinvited Pelosi – IOTW Report

“I Had Other Parties to Go To!” Said Disinvited Pelosi

Mmhm. Johnnie Walker’s party. Drunk bitch.

GP: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was disinvited from Barack Obama’s extravagant birthday party after the former president ‘scaled back’ the gala.

Obama originally planned to have 700 people at his 60th bday party including guests and staff.

Pelosi didn’t make the cut after Obama scaled back his party to about 300-400 people.

A Connecticut couple (photo below) ran into Pelosi and asked her how Obama’s party was. more here

19 Comments on “I Had Other Parties to Go To!” Said Disinvited Pelosi

  1. …I’m trying to imagine what would be the best thing to do if I ever got that close to this Satan’s handmaiden, this baby murdering treacherous reprobate hypocritcal locus of human misery, and then it occurs to me that some things are just best left unsaid, but pondered so in the event of fleeting unexpected future opportunity, no time is wasted on such musings when it would better be spent on action…

  2. Not just “another party”, but “other parties”. Because SO MANY IMPORTANT PEOPLE want to to be the life of their party.

    You’re trying too hard, Nan, and you sound really bitter.

  3. Pelosi: I’ve been invited to a necktie party tomorrow afternoon. I’ve never been to one, but it sounds like lots of fun. I’ll have to borrow one of my husband’s ties. There’ll be horses to ride and we’ll play blind man’s bluff. They say there’ll be lots of strong punch. Oh Boy, I can hardly wait.

  4. I read in the National Enquirer that PeeLosi bumped into Obola at the Martha’s Vineyard Country Club and she slapped him in the head with her sagging dugs.

  5. Nancy Pelosi, party of one…your table is ready.

    If ya google the interwebs, you can’t find any info on those “other parties”. The whole friggin Commiecrat party lies like they are giving prizes for it.

  6. mansfield lovell – Yew mean she really tit-slapped the momjeans-wearing, Gay-obsessed, pearl-clutching, bed-wetting, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, pussy-whipped, flat-footed, maladroit, plastic banana republic Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard!!


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