Kentucky Hospital Says The Media Is LYING About Hospitals Being ‘Overwhelmed’ With Kids With COVID – IOTW Report

Kentucky Hospital Says The Media Is LYING About Hospitals Being ‘Overwhelmed’ With Kids With COVID

EnVolve: The mainstream media’s fear mongering is at it again. This time, hospitals are the ones who are calling them out, not alternative media.

Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kentucky countered the media’s hysterical narrative that their hospital had “hit capacity” due to child COVID cases by pointing out that the majority of their child patients have respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), not COVID, and that they have “plenty of capacity” to see kids in outpatient settings.

“Children’s Mercy hits capacity as COVID cases continue rising in KC Metro,” blared a headline from the Kansas City Star on July 27.

“As you may have heard, we are currently experiencing high patient volumes in the hospital, but we continue to be able to meet the needs of our patients requiring hospitalization,” Children’s Mercy responded in a statement posted to Facebook on July 28. “We also want to emphasize we have plenty of capacity to see your child in all of our outpatient settings.”

“While we continue to see COVID-19 cases increase in our community and in our hospital, the increase in children we are treating as in-patients is mainly due to respiratory illnesses, like RSV,” Children’s Mercy continued. “We encourage all families to keep their scheduled clinic appointments.” more here

12 Comments on Kentucky Hospital Says The Media Is LYING About Hospitals Being ‘Overwhelmed’ With Kids With COVID

  1. Don’t believe bullshit.

    Get people who believe bullshit out of your life.

    Think long and hard about what you’re breaking point will be, and what you’ll do if you reach it. Because the demons in charge will keep upping the ante. They won’t stop on their own accord.

  2. Per CDC, total deaths for ages 0-17 ‘involving covid’ = 349. Total. For the entire country. No, hospitals are not being overwhelmed by kids with covid.
    However, they may be inundated by kids with respiratory and psychological issues.

  3. This is all about the States, with a supporting cast of hospital administrators and the rest of the Covid Industrial Complex in on it as well, trying to keep the Federal Covid Relief Money Pipeline free flowing money out of taxpayer’s pockets and into theirs. Note: The money is borrowed money, with the taxpayers on the hook to repay the loans.

  4. Just checking my TV guide and found this.
    Liars be lying. It’s all misinformation.
    Sen. Klobuchar & Experts Discuss Vaccine Misinformation
    Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) joins the Clinton Foundation in a virtual discussion on promoting vaccinations and preventing misinformation.

  5. MSM is pulling the same clown trick as the seks predator-groper former Gov Andrew Cuomo who tried the same manip, falsely giving the story that NY’s hospitals were “overflowing” with covid patients which was a blatant lie, according to a few nypd patrol resources.

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