Unfiltered??? Fox News edits President Trump’s Interview with Dan Bongino – IOTW Report

Unfiltered??? Fox News edits President Trump’s Interview with Dan Bongino

Liz Harrington@realLizUSA
·Aug 8, 2021

WOW. So I went to post a clip from President Trump’s great interview from @FoxNews last night, and lo and behold, Fox News EDITED and CHANGED what President Trump said, censoring out 45 accurately describing the Fake Election.


SHAME ON FOX News: Edited out part of an interview where President Trump talked about the 2020 “election fraud”.

8 Comments on Unfiltered??? Fox News edits President Trump’s Interview with Dan Bongino

  1. Fox has always been a liberal as CNN. When GWB was pushing RomneyCare 12 years ago; the 2 most liberal networks said 90% wanted RomneyCare : Fox, CNN!

    Today at the gym , which has 12 TVs, only 2 networks carried Andy’s lawyer’s entire speech: Fox and CNN. Not: abc, cbs, nbc!

    Fox has never been either Republican or conservative. heir lead man has always been Bush loving admitted Dem. CHRIS!


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