Austin Powers Claims Cuomo Worried Her in 2014. She’s Praised Him For Years On Twitter. – IOTW Report

Austin Powers Claims Cuomo Worried Her in 2014. She’s Praised Him For Years On Twitter.

WFB: Top Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett claims she raised concerns about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D., N.Y.) efforts to influence a federal investigation in 2014. In the years since that encounter, she couldn’t stop praising him.

Jarrett told the New Yorker‘s Ronan Farrow in a report published Tuesday that Cuomo called her in April 2014 to complain about then-U.S. attorney Preet Bharara, who was investigating Cuomo’s shuttering of an investigation into public corruption at the New York state house. Jarrett said that while Cuomo did not explicitly ask her to shut down the probe, she was so alarmed by his ranting that she reported it to White House lawyers, who deemed the call “highly inappropriate.”

A Justice Department official said that Cuomo was “trying to exert political pressure” on the investigation, according to the New Yorker. Cuomo resigned as governor on Tuesday after the New York attorney general found he sexually harassed 11 women.

Jarrett repeatedly praised Cuomo in the years since the phone call. She compared him favorably last year with President Donald Trump and urged other governors to follow Cuomo’s lead in the response to coronavirus. more here

17 Comments on Austin Powers Claims Cuomo Worried Her in 2014. She’s Praised Him For Years On Twitter.

  1. Probably liked Comey before she hated him before she liked him again. Probably hated the covid jab before she liked it. Short term memory loss is a chronic condition for Democrats. And you’re the mental defective who gets fack-checked if you remember things for them.

  2. Cuomo is out for one reason and one reason only: he was getting too powerful, and the arrogant SOB thought that he got to be in charge of stuff. Isn’t a China/Soros/Commie/ObamaPelosietal lackey.

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