Dems’ ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Law Blows Up in Their Faces as GOP Weaponizes It in Newsom Recall – IOTW Report

Dems’ ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Law Blows Up in Their Faces as GOP Weaponizes It in Newsom Recall

WJ: Republicans have long lamented the practice of ballot harvesting.

Efforts to ban the practice in the state of California have failed time and time again, but — now that the state governorship hangs in the balance — GOP operatives are opting to use their political opponents’ questionable election practice against them.

Recent polling from the Public Policy Institute of California suggests that, if his recall vote were today, Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom would retain his position.

Republican ballot harvesting efforts, led by Rescue California, may change these prospects, however.

According to KABC-TV, Rescue California — a political committee at the forefront of the recall effort — is creating a “Volunteer Citizens Brigade” that will perform a targeted “ballot harvesting” of Republican voters throughout the state. more

9 Comments on Dems’ ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Law Blows Up in Their Faces as GOP Weaponizes It in Newsom Recall

  1. California GOP won the last special election through ballot harvesting. Nunes was front and center on that effort. Turn about is not fair play if you’re a Libtard loser. Libtards suck dick. There, I said it.

  2. General Patton: “Nobody ever won a war by being nice to the enemy.” It’s long past the time where we can beat the leftists by playing by the rules. We’ve got to get down in the mud and fight dirtier than they do, and exploit all of their weaknesses if we’re to have a chance to save the country.

  3. OldCoot August 12, 2021 at 3:56 am

    General Patton: “Nobody ever won a war by being nice to the enemy.” It’s long past the time where we can beat the leftists by playing by the rules.



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