Fight Back: Here’s How People Are Legally Resisting Dystopian Diktats to Get a Covid Shot or Be Fired – IOTW Report

Fight Back: Here’s How People Are Legally Resisting Dystopian Diktats to Get a Covid Shot or Be Fired

PJM: In the past week, Democrat governors and other Democrat Party elected officials throughout the country have launched a coordinated effort to threaten Americans’ economic security by issuing hasty “do what we say or your job gets it” Covid diktats.

Democrats claimed these mandates were in the name of science to combat the virulent Delta variant — the latest of probably several versions — of Covid.

This, at a time when it looks as if there is precious little that can be done about the virus, save perhaps shots and precautions like one would take for a nasty version of the yearly flu.

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield says he believes the virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab and that the virus and its variants are here to stay.

The way it’s looking, the pandemic will likely become endemic like the flu and the coronavirus-based common cold. But the truth is, we don’t really know what role this virus will take in American life from here on out. The only thing we do know is that Democrat Party elected officials believe the best way to deal with it is by authoritarian diktats. Their reflexive reaction is to bury freedom in the name of safety.

Millions of jobs and Americans’ livelihoods hang in the balance against these threats.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued orders for all health care workers to get Covid shots or face being fired, and Washington Governor Jay Inslee ordered all employees and government contractors to get a Covid shot or they would be fired. In California, Virginia, and New York City, the far-left governors announced plans to hector unvaccinated employees with constant testing or getting fired. In Texas, Democrats have gone to court to argue for less freedom and against Governor Greg Abbott’s anti-lockdown and mask edicts.

Like Texas, several states have passed laws prohibiting employers from firing employees for not getting a Covid shot. more here

14 Comments on Fight Back: Here’s How People Are Legally Resisting Dystopian Diktats to Get a Covid Shot or Be Fired

  1. The FBI is doing nothing about domestic terrorists, or DC terrorists, but they are taking a hard stand on spurious “vaccine” cards. They have been emptying the prisons of real criminals to make space for people who buy or sell fake inoculation documents.

  2. Barnes finally caught up. It is illegal to discriminate against someone because of their health status. For example, you can not deny a person entry into a gym, restaurant, store, school etc… because they have aids, TB, hepatitis, etc… nor can you discriminate against them in employment if it does not prevent them from performing the job. These employers and businesses are labeling healthy, unvaccinated people as somehow diseased. But in doing so they can not discriminate against them because the ADA forbids doing such based on a persons health status.

  3. The mandates include”
    forced mask wearings – Makes more people sick and immunodeficient.
    frequent testing, – With a test that is proven ineffective with false positives.
    eligibility for future merit-based pay – reward the believers and stifle the non-believers.

  4. “…the ADA forbids doing such based on a persons health status…”

    Watch how fast Seizure Boy John Roberts rewrites the ADA. Hell, he might not even get the chance. The fix is probably already being worked into the Current Continuing Resolution. We are living on Authoritarian Time now.

  5. Ratchet fear up to 11.
    Blame the opposition.
    Divide the country on multiple fronts.
    Pedel fake science/news.
    Make it personal and critical.
    Base it all on an individual’s ability to be above ground.
    Spread it to every facet of life.
    Keep it confusing.
    Silence anyone that uses common sense.


    Democrats have another election to steal.

  6. The stupid asses running the hospital that employs my girlfriend fired those without the vaccine.
    Right when the wards are refilling with COVID patients.
    Now they are begging, begging her to work overtime.
    They are severely short staffed at all times.
    They wouldn’t be in this situation if they didn’t have that mandate.

  7. It is a typical democrat tactic to ‘scare’ Americans into submission, as they did with the HIV hoax. Forced unnecessary house arrests, the subduing of American ‘political’ prisoners and abusing them, withholding food, goods, and medical attention, raising up hordes of paid brain-dead fearmongers, savaging communities and destroying small businesses, adulterating vote ballots and thieving an election, using minorities as human shields….they believe they can get what they want by using sly fear tactics and manipulations. The subject of ‘more money and power’ is always the bottom line with those fiends yet evil knows no rhyme or reason, just an opportunity, yet if there isn’t any opportunity for cruelty and abuse then they’ll create one, such as seen with the deliberate release of a disease not nature-created, but created by man.


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