Watch: Grandpa Pudding can’t follow Secret Service agent’s instructions – IOTW Report

Watch: Grandpa Pudding can’t follow Secret Service agent’s instructions


Brick Suit@Brick_Suit
I’ve seen dogs that are better trained than this. Secret Service agent appears to point and show Joe which way to walk, yet Joe ignores the path and follows the agent up the lawn. Second agent might have said “He’s following you again.”

h/t SNS

31 Comments on Watch: Grandpa Pudding can’t follow Secret Service agent’s instructions

  1. The SS agent that jogs ahead of him is taken aback that the doddering old syphiliptic pedo actually followed him, he gestures like he’s going to hold the door, but clearly wasn’t expecting to.

    …makes you wonder where they’re getting THOSE guys if he can’t hear Sir Sniffy huffing like a freight train behind him, or at least smell the loaded diaper approaching…

  2. For What it is Worth:

    Your Stupid Pervert Child Diddler pRESIDENT is pushing OPEC to “Pump More Oil” as he cancelled The BIG FUCKING PIPELINE KeyXL from Canuckistan to TEXAS.

    Are you fucking for real?!?!

    You were paying Canuckistan Jack Shit Oil Price because the Black Piss was landlocked and now you are asking the “Peacefull” to send you their shit from the desert as you pull back troops from all the Shit-Hole-Istans of the world?

    Sell your F-150’s Cowboys and learn to tailgate in a fucking Testicle-ah If the GuvMint lets you charge the fucking thing.

  3. …and the Fucking Turdeau is about to call an election up here and get a majority FFS!

    I’m Fucked, Pissed, and Just got called to Jury Duty.


  4. “Just got called to Jury Duty”

    Probably either a hate speech case, somebody hurt somebody else’s feelings, or somebody broke covid restrictions walking his dog or going for a jog. Either one is a capital offense in Canada. Give ’em 20 years hard labor and you guys should be home for lunch.

  5. kcir,
    When being interviewed for the jury, just say: “if the defendant’s black, he’s guilty.” Or if it’s a domestic case: “The problem with women is that they don’t know when to SHUT THE FUCK UP!”
    I guarantee they’ll send you home.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Kcir, do what I do; drop the jury notice in the trash “accidentally”.

    Don’t know about Canada, but in the states, jury duty is one of the most powerful things you can do as a citizen.

    You can ignore the law if it seems right to you.

    Jury nullification.

    Even the trial judge can’t reverse it.

    Sure, most cases are boring, but would you want your fate decided by people who don’t want to be there but weren’t smart enough to get out of it?

  7. Tim
    AUGUST 11, 2021 AT 7:42 PM

    …probably safer in today’s werld to say you’re going to bitch the prosecutor’s case. You know, say “black people are NEVER guilty” or “I could never live with myself if I had any part in denying anyone their fweedom”. Soppy, yes, but less likely to earn you a BLM visit when you’re name and address are public record.

    Gotta be careful tho. I once got scolded by a judge when I was too obviously bending my answers to get myself disqualified at the voir dire, better to not get THAT far and send back the questionnaire saying you need constant breaks to fresh up your female hormones, or you don’t want to serve in a system that perpetuates White Supremacy, or better still answer every question with “My butt’s just been wiped!” with a huge, shit-eating grin…

  8. True, Dadof4. Two juries I served on saved millions of dollars in bullshit damages and the careers of two doctors who were clearly proven to have been doing their jobs right. I will gladly serve again if called, but I hope the next time it will be in a courtroom somewhere besides downtown Atlanta, which is over an hour from my house.

  9. Dadof4
    AUGUST 11, 2021 AT 7:46 PM

    …you make good points about jury duty, but the sad fact of the matter is that it ends up being you and 11 “people who don’t want to be there but weren’t smart enough to get out of it”.

    They WILL pull you down to their level of stupid, then beat you with experience.

    Or, you COULD spend an extra 3 weeks sequestered with those nimrods at jury pay, as your car gets vandalized and looted in the City parking lots outside the courthouse and you can’t make any overtime on your REAL job. How long you think you can hold out?

    What you WON’T get from your fellow jurors is anything resembling thought, certainly not about the case at hand. They WILL talk about auras, chakrams, this guy they knew once, if they think the guy “looks” guilty, how one of the Black jurors thought the guy looked at them “like I was his servant”, or maybe just whether they though they could get a free lunch out of it if they waste enough time…everything but, you know, laws n stuff.

    You are NOT going to get the other 11 together around ACTUAL justice to get a nullification going. The voir dire sees to that, as does your fellow jurors being intimidated by the judge, the other jurors, or just wanting to go the hell home.

    So good luck trying, but the jury system is just as stupid and rigged as the REST of government. The sock puppets are just too stupid to even CARE if they’re being used is the only difference…

  10. I got out of jury Duty last time.

    I will send the updated letter AGAIN.

    When I’m a bit older, & have more time, I’m ready with a fuckin NOOSE. I hate criminals with a passion, nut right now, I’m Too Fuckin busy making some money & working. I’m An HVAC asshole, and the weather plus the LACK OF EQUIPMENT because BIDEN pays people to JERK OFF on the couch has made keeping my customers running VERY HARD.

    I buy mostly Carrier because 1) They deliver ahead of promised schedule, 2) they really tried to honour their commitment to Trump, 3) They STILL USE COPPER COIL CONDENSERS.

    Been doing it for years friends, COOPER is WAY BETTER than ALUMINUM.

    Avoid Lennox, York, Trane & their subsidaries. ALUMINUM SHIT!


  11. In my part of Texas if you are a business owner, manager or in a position with people under you then you will never be picked for a jury. They prefer the less educated and responsible types.

  12. When pressed Paski admitted the Pedo was just circling back through the shrubbery like he always does we he goes free range on the Secret Service.

    Can you just imagine what these poor agents have to deal with everyday? Waiting for him to get his ass wiped after he fills his diaper then having him ignore the simplest instructions and just wander aimlessly around the white house.

    We are so fucked…

  13. Biden is literally decomposing right in front of us, but don’t worry, for Kamala is waiting in the wings to save all of us from ourselves. At least we have that to look forward to.


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