Video reportedly shows nude Hunter Biden saying another laptop with ‘crazy’ sex acts was stolen from him – IOTW Report

Video reportedly shows nude Hunter Biden saying another laptop with ‘crazy’ sex acts was stolen from him

Bullshit. Not stolen. LOST. He has lost many laptops and many phones.
But it’s nice of him to admit all of the disgusting pictures, emails, documents, videos, in the laptops and phones are of himself.


NYP: A video clip shows Hunter Biden naked while recounting how he was passed out in a pool when a computer with recordings of him engaged in “crazy” sex acts was stolen — possibly for blackmail purposes, according to a report Wednesday.

The conversation took place while Biden and an unidentified woman lounged around in the nude after having sex in January 2019, the Daily Mail said.

“They have videos of me doing this. They have videos of me doing like f—ing crazy [bleep] sex [bleep],” Biden said, according to a 3-minute, 40-second video clip posted online.

“But how long ago did this happen? You said before— ” the woman asked.

“Last summer,” Biden answered.

Earlier, Biden said the theft took place while he “was in the [bleep] pool, facedown” and the people he was with “wouldn’t call an ambulance,” according to the newly surfaced video. more

23 Comments on Video reportedly shows nude Hunter Biden saying another laptop with ‘crazy’ sex acts was stolen from him

  1. What should be investigated is the failedartistcrakhedson’s ‘interaction’ with minor-age prostitutes, child porn, and child trafficking. That he’s a known drug-slinger and user is pretty typical of his family who are are known pedo vermin.

  2. The smartest guy Jackass Joe knows can’t be trusted with a burnt out match let alone any state secrets that the stumbling, bumbling, mumbling moron we have for a pResident might pass on in his incoherant ramblings!!

  3. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
    Just like dear old dad Pedo Joe, Hunter is a cheater and a pedophile. The difference it Joe didn’t smoke crack and record everything on video and laptops.
    They should both be in jail but as has been mentioned many times ad nauseum, there is a justice system for the Dirty Dems and for the rest of us.

  4. I noticed that he doesn’t deny the sex acts and perverted/illegal lifestyle, just proclaiming the stolen (lost) computers.

  5. Funny, the Sheriff in Florida catches pedophiles, perverts, johns and prostitutes, they are arrested that day, charged and soon to be prosecuted. But Hunter remains free, even with overwhelming evidence, no investigation, no charges and certainly no prosecution.

    The two tiered justice system remains in effect for the elite.
    Where’s the political hacks at the DOJ, ATF and FBI?

    They are bankrupting and Screwing regular people who attended the Jan. 6th rally ! ALL for POLITICAL PURPOSES.

  6. Remember last October when a group of former security officials signed a document saying the “Hunter laptop” was Russian disinformation?

    Every one of those fucking traitors knew what they were doing.
    Every last one of those rat-bastards should be hanged in the public square.
    Every last one!!!

  7. It’s like some perverted easter egg hunt. Are we going to hear about yet another sick laptop out there the next time he influence-peddles his fingerpaintings? He’s probably got some Chicom geeks phonying up the next sick laptop right now.

  8. I don’t understand how the blackmail is supposed to work here.

    Is there anyone at this point that would be shocked or surprised at any sexual deviancy from ANY Biden at this point? If it’s well known that the “big guy” is an incestuous pedophile who even molests kids IN PUBLIC, ON CAMERA, AS PRESIDENT and THAT doesn’t bother anyone, what could The Cokemonster POSSIBLY do on video that would be MORE shocking?

    It’s not like ANY Biden has a reputation to protect or anything.

    And it’s not like Big Media will report it, or Big Tech let it be posted anyway.

    Blackmail ONLY works if your subject has something they are worried about losing, a sense of shame, AND your damning information isn’t ALREADY common knowledge.

    And none of that applies here.

    …seems like it would be pretty frustrating for the poor Russian who spent ALL NIGHT filming Biden ballz and with Hunter’s sweaty ass in his face, only to find out there’s no market for the stolen video and that he’ll only get Epstiened if he tries to FIND one…

  9. Everything the left accused Trump of… Russia, hookers, hotel rooms, ‘crazy sex’ …. is unfolding play by play for Hunter Biden. It’s almost like the left knew the Hunter story beforehand, and used it word for word to accuse Trump.

  10. If this was one of Trump’s kids this would be the biggest news ever with wall-to-wall coverage 24-7! Their credibility was lost years ago, but their total lack of coverage about this issue is a concrete monument to its Absolute Corruption!

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