They Knew Everything and Did Nothing: Revisiting the DOJ efforts to protect Epstein – IOTW Report

They Knew Everything and Did Nothing: Revisiting the DOJ efforts to protect Epstein

Techno Fog: It has been two years since Jeffrey Epstein died.

I refuse to say he committed suicide because that would require trust in the DOJ’s investigation into his death. Not that it’s inconceivable that Epstein committed suicide. He was facing serious charges that would have resulted in serious time. He revised his will two days before he died. (Indicative of planning his death or being fearful he’d be killed, however you want to look at it.) Rather, it’s that we’ve learned from the Epstein saga that the DOJ, which serves the broader interests of the US government, can’t be trusted.

Two years gone and we still have no good answers about Jeffrey Epstein’s ties to intelligence.

There are sources telling Vicky Ward of Rolling Stone that “Epstein’s dealings in the arms world in the 1980s had led him to work for multiple governments, including the Israelis.” Ward’s sources said that Epstein “was known in the intelligence world as a ‘hyper-fixer,’ somebody who can go between different cultures and networks.”

As to the allegations that Epstein was dealing arms in the 1980s – if true, then likely in conjunction with US or Israeli intelligence – that might explain why he had an Austrian passport that was used to enter France, Spain, the United Kingdom, and Saudi Arabia in the 1980s.

11 Comments on They Knew Everything and Did Nothing: Revisiting the DOJ efforts to protect Epstein

  1. “Rather, it’s that we’ve learned from the Epstein saga that the DOJ, which serves the broader interests of the US government, can’t be trusted.”

    Fleshing this out to it’s natural logical conclusion, very few people or entities within your sphere of influence can be trusted, period. Not your local, state or federal politicians, not your local police, not your doctor or lawyer, not even your financial advisor. All have their interests, not yours at heart, are motivated by a different set of criteria and all will do just fine if you are ruined or face a life altering calamity.

    Your family, your closet friends, maybe you pastor/minister, your faith in God, they are on your side and will do right by you. Everything else is a distraction, and impediment. A healthy distrust and weariness of human motivation is a good thing.

  2. We KNOW the DoJ is corrupt.
    We KNOW Epstein was a well-connected pervert who enticed other perverts.
    We KNOW Epstein’s dead.
    We KNOW the cameras in the cell block were disabled.
    We KNOW there were plenty of people who would prefer Epstein dead.
    We KNOW that well-connected people are well-connected with people who do black-bag shit.
    We KNOW Epstein had ties to the Clintons, who are linked to some 90 murders.

    Spy or no spy? Who fukkin cares?
    Those lower-level pukes involved in it better watch their backs.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “We KNOW Epstein’s dead.”
    He’s not dead, there no way with that much money and that many slimy friends, he committed suicide. He had a submarine base on his island. He vanished, probably has a new name and face and is back in business as usual.
    John McAfee didn’t commit suicide, he was whacked.
    TATTOO WARNING John McAfee had ‘WHACKD’ tattoo and once said if he was ever found dead in ‘suicide’ he ‘DIDN’T kill himself’

  4. Epstein had multiple broken neck bones, including a fractured hyoid bone.
    Doesn’t happen from a low height hanging.
    Somebody broke his neck.
    Epstein didn’t kill himself.

  5. @rich taylor –
    “…Fleshing this out to it’s natural logical conclusion, very few people or entities within your sphere of influence can be trusted, period…”

    AMEN! A result of the removal of God from society. The communists know their shit. They know how to groom, then rape, pillage and destroy a nation – AFTER they steal it’s wealth.

    The democrats and RINOS are those people. They are despicable.

  6. Those 3-letter agencies did nothing because they too are on the maxwell list of active participants of child molestation and trafficking in addition to protecting the simpleton biden and clinton pedo fiends from public exposure of the same. After all, if all those who are on the client list go down, so too will those complicit agencies.

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