Following 15-hour filibuster Texas Senate passes elections legislation – IOTW Report

Following 15-hour filibuster Texas Senate passes elections legislation

JTN: The Texas Senate on Thursday morning passed the elections bill that state Democrats have attempted several times to prevent from becoming law.

Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Carol Alvarado filibustered the bill for 15-hours in the latest long shot attempt to prevent its passage, but the chamber endured and passed the legislation by a vote of 18-11 this morning. Filibuster rules required Alvarado to remain standing, addressing the chamber on exclusively the subject of the bill, without bathroom breaks or food. more

13 Comments on Following 15-hour filibuster Texas Senate passes elections legislation

  1. Yeah, that pussy must be running out of fake names. Can’t think right when you’re too busy dry-sucking fauci.
    I should fill the entire day with Trump stuff so assumed gender can finally stroke out and die. You know, with the ‘rona.

  2. I’m amused by the alphabet spooks that use “anonymous” and want us to secede, rise up, and a host of other agitation to make this site look like something it isn’t.

    Seems to me I’m not gonna do that sort of stuff without a direct order from someone who represents something I’m sworn to defend… Not some little anonymous shitweasel.

  3. I would love if our state would secede, we’ve got enough problems with Republicans I sure don’t like the leftist bullshit that gets pushed on us at the federal level thanks to all the libtard states.

  4. MJA sounds like such a loving and amicable lady. For someone without a name to provoke her tells me you should never get on the wrong side of her.
    And remember trolls, she has friends. And we may not be so forgiving.

  5. 15 whole hours? After leaving the state, spreading the China Virus and living off Texas taxes while ignoring their job for weeks? Not impressed. She should have been able to do at least 15 hours and 15 minutes (not going to try for 24 hours or more).

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