Nevada’s Gov. Sisolak(D) may also have a China problem – IOTW Report

Nevada’s Gov. Sisolak(D) may also have a China problem

Same as Mitch McConnell’s and Joe Biden’s problems.

Rob Lauer Political Reporter

Gov. Sisolak fired back at Nye County Commissioner Donna Cox over her allegations that Kathy Sisolak is somehow benefiting from Sisolak’s CV19 polices through her Chinese investments. Gov. Sisolak called Donna Cox comments racist but he never denied that Kathy Sisolak actually has Chinese investments or benefits from Gov. Sisolak’s polices. So 360 News decided to investigate. And what we found in the open was a shocking level of self-dealing and conflicts of interest and downright corruption.

Gov. Sisolak only married Kathy after he won the Governor’s race. Now the spousal privilege attaches.

According to Gov. Sisolak’s 2021 financial Disclosure form the attached list of companies his wife Kathy Ong Sisolak owns or has significant financial interests in. What the disclosure form does not disclose is the amount of cash paid to Kathy Sisolak by clients of those businesses. 360 News Las Vegas served Gov. Sisolak with a Public Records request asking for a list his wife Kathy’s foreign investments. more here

19 Comments on Nevada’s Gov. Sisolak(D) may also have a China problem

  1. I know this woman. I never thought what she said was racist and that the real story was Sisolak not denying any of it. Interestingly enough, it appears as though social media comments (at least during the first 24 hours) were running 20-1 in her favor.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks she has Asian features – maiden name Ong – ala CCP Bitch, Mitch McConnell? And then you look at her business interests and see how she – and Union thug look alike, Sisliak – are like EVERY other POS self-enriching, f*ck the little guy, politician.

    NOBODY pays any attention to this shit – in Nevada, DC and every other state – and it has metastasized into a National cancer.

  3. Politics and organized crime are very lucrative businesses, as long as you hide your assets or if you are high enough on the democrat totem pole and are deemed above the law.

    Kinda like the clintons, obamas and bidens, but on a smaller scale of corruption.

  4. I have suffered under his idiot mandates. When things were looking good, feeling positive, and almost normal, back come the useless masks. Personally I hate the sonofabitch rat bastard.


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