Congresswoman Drafting Election Security Laws Is Invested In Chinese State-Owned Companies – IOTW Report

Congresswoman Drafting Election Security Laws Is Invested In Chinese State-Owned Companies

National Pulse:

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill – who spearheads House Democrat’s election reform initiatives – is invested in several companies with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and its military, The National Pulse can reveal.

The New Jersey congresswoman’s 2020 financial disclosure reveal investments in several Chinese tach firms flagged as “tools” of the Chinese Communist Party. She retains up to $50,000 in Alibaba shares and purchased up to $15,000 in Tencent shares on March 27th, 2019.

The U.S. State Department has flagged both firms as “tools” of the Chinese Communist Party that count powerful party members among their executive ranks.

Both companies have also been involved in the “research, production, and repair of weapons and equipment for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)” and have a “deep record of cooperation and collaboration” with China’s “state security bureaucracy,” former Assistant Secretary for International Security and Nonproliferation Christopher Ford revealed. more

9 Comments on Congresswoman Drafting Election Security Laws Is Invested In Chinese State-Owned Companies

  1. Just one of many CCP operatives in our govt. from both parties. If our intelligence agencies were worth a cat turd, they would have exposed and publicized these “investments” by sold out politicians …. but the 3 letter agencies are infested with the same bought off communist scum as our elected govt. Joe McCarthy was right all along and we need a clone of him today to weed out these communist spies . collaborators within our govt. at every level.

  2. The U.S. State Department has flagged both firms as “tools” of the Chinese Communist Party

    There’s that double speak again.
    The Chinese Communist Party isn’t hiding who/what they represent.
    So who’s really the tool?

  3. “…Significantly, the modern “China Model” is built upon a foundation of technology-facilitated surveillance and social control. These techniques for ruling China have been – and continue to be – in critical ways developed, built, and maintained on behalf of the Party-State by technology firms such as Huawei, Tencent, ZTE, Alibaba, and Baidu. As these companies export their products and services to the rest of the world, the security and human rights problems associated with this “China Model” are progressively exported with them…”

    The “China Model” is what the democratic communist party currently in power wants to put in place in the United States. Make no mistake about it. Mark my words. It’s a totalitarian’s wet dream.

  4. They really touched up her Democrat Depression eyebags in the photo, don’t they? 🤣

    Embarrassment to the Navy. Guess she was so messed up no Conservative would bang her.

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